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Three Types of Percent Problems

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1 Three Types of Percent Problems

2 Remember, percents are "parts of a whole".
The part is the numerator and the whole is the denominator. 17% means 17 parts per 100 or We are going to solve problems involving percents. There are 3 types of problems: 1. Find the part What number is 54% of 34? 2. Find the whole 4 is 60% of what number? 3. Find the percent 18 is what percent of 28?

3 Two words that will occur in these types of problems
are "is" and "of". These words have specific meanings in math. "Is" means equals (=) "Of" means multiply To solve a percent problem, translate the words into an equation. Change the following: 1. Percent into a decimal 2. "is" to "=" 3. "of" to " . " 4. Unknown to "x" Then, solve the equation.

4 Finding the Part...

5 Write a mathematical sentence
Examples: Find 40% of 60 Write a mathematical sentence Click .40 60 = 24 20% of 90 Write a mathematical sentence Click = 18

6 Write a mathematical sentence X = .10 88
What is 10% of 88? Write a mathematical sentence X = X = 8.8 Try these: Find 12% of What is 40% of 28? Answer: .12 x 70 = 8.4 X = .40 x 28 X = 11.20

7 Another Method: You can also solve percent problems by setting up a proportion. Since percents are parts of a whole, you can create the following proportion:

8 When figuring out which is the "part" and which is the "whole", remember that you take a percent of the whole and 
the answer is the part. In other words, the whole is with the word "of" and the part is with the word "is".

9 = Proportion Method Steps 1. Set up the proportion as shown. is % of
2. Substitute given values into the proportion. 3. Solve the proportion. is of % 100 = Note: You can use this box to solve many problems involving percents! Note: Try to find the numbers that are attached to the words/symbols: is, of, or percent.

10 Click on each box to see if you substituted correctly.
Example: What is 25% of 400? Steps 1. Set up the proportion. 2. Substitute. 3. Solve. is of % 100 = ? 25 400 100 Click on each box to see if you substituted correctly. What is 25% of 400? Click 400 x 25 = 100w 10,000 = 100w 10,000/100 = w 100 = w

11 = Try it: What is 20% of 180? Steps 1. Set up the proportion. % is
2. Substitute. 3. Solve. is of % 100 = Answer: 36

12 Finding the Whole...

13 Remember, you can solve this by:
1. Translating into an equation 2. Setting up a proportion 40% of what number is 50? X = 50 X = 50 .40 X = 125

14 Try This: 100 is 20% of what number? 100 = x 100 = x .20 x = 500

15 Finding the Percent...

16 Remember, you can solve this by:
1. Translating into an equation 2. Setting up a proportion What percent of 80 is 24? x 80 = 24 X = 24 80 X = .30 X = 30%

17 60 is what percent of 15? 60 = X 15 60 = X 15 4 = X 400% = X

18 You have just studied three different types of percent problems.
Try all 3 types: 24 is 40% of what number? 42 is what percent of 840? What is 30% of 45? Answers: 60 5% 13.5

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