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Historical Investigation PRESENTATION

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1 Historical Investigation PRESENTATION
By Mitchell Cruz

2 Discuss the impact (or legacy left by) that Roman and Greek mythology/religion has had on modern society architecture Olympics Moral values entertainment art expressions Days, months & planets Math's & science military


4 MORAL VALUES power? order & authority? who did they follow?
how were they influenced? IMPACT Role of women Religious society respect guidelines Morals & good deeds role of women today

5 ART Purpose of Art? How was it seen? Other significance of art IMPACT
personal feelings entertainment representation of who we are, and where we’re from

6 LANGUAGE IMPACT lyrics expressions literature Epic poetry Lyric poetry
Genres: comedy, tragedy IMPACT lyrics expressions literature

7 Expressions A "Herculean task," for example, is one that requires great effort. This phrase comes from a myth about the Twelve Labors of Hercules. The drug morphine takes its name from the Greek God of Sleep, Morpheus. "Venereal disease" is a rather unflattering reference to Venus. The goddess of love fares better in the term "aphrodisiac", referring to any substance or circumstance that arouses sexual desire. We call computer viruses "Trojans," a rather unfair comparison with the Trojans, as we're actually referring to the Greek-built Trojan horse, used by the Greeks to infiltrate Troy and end the Trojan War. an Achilles heel (a single fatal vulnerability) having the Midas touch (everything turns to gold) lying in the arms of Morpheus (sleeping) opening Pandora's Box (unlocking a world of trouble) rich as Croesus (Croesus was known for his wealth) the face that launched a thousand ships (a woman worth going to war for). Ajax - Greek warrior in the Trojan War, who "cleaned up" in battle; popular household cleanser. Nike - Winged goddess of Victory, who can run and fly at great speeds; a famous company that sells sports wear

8 MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE IMPACT Pythagoras creation of Science
Greek Mathematics Greek Philosophy Roman gods Monarchies Democracies republics IMPACT Pythagoras creation of Science Months, planets “Greeks were the thinkers Romans were the do’ers”


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