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Presentation on theme: "BASIC DIETARY PRINCIPLES"— Presentation transcript:


2 Reasons for Various Body Weights
Genetics – body type, body composition and frame size Gender - females naturally have more fat than males Age - as one ages one adds body fat Physical activity Dietary habits

3 Body Composition Refers to the fat and non-fat components of the body
% body fat - fat component (storage or essential) Lean body mass – consists of the weight from bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and internal organs.

4 Does muscle weigh more than fat?
“A pound is a pound!” Common sense tells us a pound of muscle and a pound of fat have to weigh the same, but they do differ in density. This means if you look at five pounds of muscle and five pounds of fat side by side, the fat takes up more volume, or space, than the muscle.

5 Fat occupies 4 times the space

6 Body Composition differences

7 Essential and Storage Fat
Essential Fat Needed for normal physiological functions 3% for men 12%for women Storage Fat Known as adipose tissue Stored beneath the skin

8 Apples versus Pears Apples- excessive fat packed in and around internal organs (waist) Pears - fat accumulates on thighs and hips

9 % Body Fat

10 Various % body fat

11 Fat Cell Size versus Number

12 Fat Cell Number There are four times in one’s life that one increases the NUMBER fat cells Before birth 1st - 18 months Puberty pregnancy

13 Fat Cell Size *By adulthood one has all the fat cells they will ever have. *One can not “BURN- OFF” fat cells. *Exercise and diet will reduce the SIZE of the cell. *Reduce the stored energy

14 Obesity Occurs when one consumes more calories than the body needs
3,500 =1 pound * Mortality rate increases with waist circumference


16 Creeping Obesity Starting at age 25, a person gains 1lb/year; by age 65 has gained 40 lbs Loses 1/2lb of lean muscle/year Actual gain=60 lbs

17 Calculating BMI See handout First, find height in inches
5 feet = 60 inches 6 feet = 72 inches Second, find weight in pounds Strike a line between the dots.

18 BMI Body Mass Index - determines healthy weight base on two factors - height and weight BMI greater than 30 higher mortality weight

19 4 Basic Dietary Principles
EAT LESS - * consume fewer calories * eat small portions *steer clear of between meal snacks

20 Portion sizes Closed fist - typical serving size for fruits and vegetables

21 Portion sizes Proteins - no larger than a deck of cards for a serving of chicken, beef, pork, or fish

22 Portion sizes Teaspoon of fat - tip of thumb
or half a ping - pong ball

23 MOVE MORE Balance caloric intake with physical activity.
30 mins. - one hour daily 1 mile run burns 100 calories

24 Eat Fruits/Vegetables
Provides nutrients not found on other foods

25 Avoid junk food Highly processed snacks with salt, sugar, artificial additives


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