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Spanish Verb Jeopardy! Verbos Regualres en -ar Verbos Regulares en -er

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Verb Jeopardy! Verbos Regualres en -ar Verbos Regulares en -er"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Verb Jeopardy! Verbos Regualres en -ar Verbos Regulares en -er Verbo Regulares en -ir Verbos Con Cambios Radicales Verbos Irregulares 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Ayudar

3 To Help

4 Bailar

5 To Dance

6 Doblar

7 To Turn

8 Desayunar

9 To Eat Breakfast

10 Pasear

11 To Go For A Walk

12 Comer

13 To Eat

14 Poner

15 To Put

16 Correr

17 To Run

18 Saber

19 To Know

20 Traer

21 To Bring

22 Abrir

23 To Open

24 Decidir

25 To Decide

26 Escribir

27 To Write

28 Salir

29 To Leave

30 Subir

31 To Climb

32 Comenzar

33 To Start

34 Pensar

35 To Think/Plan

36 Preferir

37 To Prefer

38 Almorzar

39 To Eat Lunch

40 Jugar

41 To Play

42 Estar

43 To Be

44 Ir

45 To Go

46 Ser

47 To Be

48 Tener

49 To Have

50 Venir

51 To Come

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