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Coherent wide parameter space searches for gravitational waves from neutron stars using LIGO S2 data Xavier Siemens, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Coherent wide parameter space searches for gravitational waves from neutron stars using LIGO S2 data Xavier Siemens, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coherent wide parameter space searches for gravitational waves from neutron stars using LIGO S2 data
Xavier Siemens, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee

2 Interferometer network
LIGO Hanford WA (4km & 2km) LIGO Livingston LA (4km) GEO (600m)

3 The Signal Frequency f of signal in Solar System Barycenter (SSB)
A gravitational wave incident on an interferometer produces a changing differential arm length We search for gravitational waves generated by rotating neutron stars with deviations from axisymmetry. Signal is essentially monochromatic but Doppler shifted due to motion of the detector relative to the source For example, isolated neutron star parameters: Frequency f of signal in Solar System Barycenter (SSB) Rate of change of frequency df/dt in SSB Sky coordinates (, ) of source Strain amplitude h0 Spin-axis inclination  Phase, Polarization ,  Phase evolution Amplitude modulation

4 The Searches Coherent searches: Incoherent searches:
For the first science run the LSC continuous wave group looked using two different coherent searches at a single isolated pulsar (J ). [Abbott et al., Phys. Rev. D ,2004] For the second and third science runs we are pursuing a number of different approaches to the problem: (NASA/CXC/SAO) Coherent searches: - Time-domain: Targeted [Abbott et al., gr-qc/ ] Markov Chain Monte Carlo - Frequency-domain: Isolated Binary, Sco X-1 Searches over narrow parameter space Searches over wide parameter space Ultimately, would like to combine these two in a hierarchical scheme Incoherent searches: + Hough transform Stack-Slide + Powerflux Excess power, wide parameter space searches

5 Wide Parameter Space Coherent Searches
Detection statistic: = log of the likelihood maximized over the nuisance parameters [Jaranowski, Krolak and Schutz, PRD58 (1998) ; Jaranowski and Krolak, PRD59 (1999) ] Noise only: is a random variable that follows a distribution with 4 degrees of freedom Noise+Signal: distribution has a non-centrality parameter

6 Scope of analyses Isolated neutron stars:
10 hours most sensitive S2 data Hanford 4k (H1) and Livingston 4k (L1) IFOs All-sky search: ~ 3e4 sky position templates Wide frequency band: 160 Hz- 760 Hz Coincidence between L1 and H1 events Templates without spin-down  maximum spin-down 2.5 x Hz/s. Set upper limits in 1.2Hz bands Binary neutron stars: Dedicated Sco-X1 search 6 hour coherent integration of best S2 data (set by computational resources) 2 frequency windows: 464 – 484 Hz (strong spectral features) and 604 – 624 Hz (reasonably clean) Search over uncertainties in orbital parameter space of Sco-X1 Analyse L1 and H1 in coincidence Set upper limits in 1Hz bands

7 Data analysis pipeline I
H1 data L1 data Binary search: 6 hours Isolated: 10 hours Isolated template bank: sky locations and frequencies Binary template bank: orbital parameters and frequencies Isolated search does an additional veto involving the shape of the F-statistic as a function of frequency Compute F statistic over template bank Generate list of candidates above threshold Compute F statistic over template bank Generate list of candidates above threshold Parameter space consistency? YES NO Coincident Candidates Rejected Candidates Follow-up or Upper limit based on loudest event

8 Data analysis pipeline II
Coincidences Coincidence has the effect of lowering the values of the detection statistic in both data sets when they are due to noise. More importantly, outliers produced by spectral disturbances are also more readily vetoed with a coincidence scheme.

9 Expected results Software and results currently under LSC review.
Based on the LIGO noise curve for S2 and the integration time we expect the upper limits on the strain for the all-sky isolated search to be in the range of several x10-23 to a few x10-22 depending on the noise character in the different bands. For the binary search we expect upper limits in the range of a few x10-22 (Artist’s impression: NASA)

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