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IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)
Co-Chairs: Rajkumar Buyya and Mark Baker

2 Overview of Talk Background Initial Problems and Issues
TFCC Web site and Mailing Lists Forthcoming Events Future Plans

3 Introduction There was obvious huge interest in Clusters, so it seemed natural to set up a focussed group in this area. We (Mark and I) got involved with writing and submitting a proposal to the IEEE Computer Society (CS) for the establishment of a group focussed on Cluster Computing technologies and issues.

4 Background - Proposed Activities
Submitted the proposal in November 1998. We proposed that the TFCC would: Act as an international forum to promote cluster computing research and education, and participate in setting up technical standards in this area. Be involved with issues related to the design, analysis and development of cluster systems as well as the applications that use them.

5 Background - Proposed Activities
Sponsor professional meetings, brings out publications, set guidelines for educational programs, as well as helping co-ordinate academic, funding agency, and industry activities. Organise events and hold a number of workshops that would span the range of activities sponsored by the Task Force. Publish a bi-annual newsletter to help keep abreast of the events occurring within this field.

6 Background TAB approval was given on 17th December 1998 to set up an
IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)! Appointed us as its Co-Chairs!

7 Background - IEEE Task Forces
A TF is expected to have a finite term of existence, normally a period of 2-3 years - continued existence beyond that point is generally not appropriate. A TF is expected to either increase their scope of activities such that establishment of a Technical Committee (TC) is warranted, or the task force will be merged into existing TCs.

8 Background In future, TAB might create a Technical Council (say on HPC) to establish a strong cooperation among TCs: Parallel Processing Distributed Processing Internet Cluster Computing Operating Systems Supercomputing

9 Why we want a separate TFCC
It brings together all the technologies used with Cluster Computing into one area - so instead of tracking four or five IEEE TCs there is one... Cluster Computing is NOT just Parallel, Distributed, OSs, or the Internet, it is potentially a heady mix them all, and consequently different. The TFCC will be an appropriate for publications and activities associated with Cluster Computing.

10 TFCC Web Home Pages AU-


12 TFCC Mailing Lists Currently three emails lists have been set up:
– a discussion list open to anyone interested in the TFCC - see TFCC page for info. on “how to subscribe”. - a closed executive committee mailing reflector. - a closed advisory committee mailing reflector.

13 Structure of the TFCC Executive Committee Advisory Committee (59)
Co-Chair (2) Vice Chairs (2) Technical Area Coordinators (17) Publicity (6) Regional Coordinators (13 regions) Advisory Committee (59)

14 Outreach Programs Cluster Computing web resources.
Education promotion programme. Book donation Tutorials at IEEE sections/chapters. Tutorials at conferences. Conferences. Cooperative workshops.

15 TFCC Assistance for Creating Cluster Computing Curriculum!?!
Conducts IEEE sponsored FREE tutorials on cluster computing at any IEEE CS chapters/sections (student or professionals) worldwide. TFCC will encourage faculty members world-wide for starting courses on cluster computing by providing educational resources: Books (free - in association with publishers). A tutorial with material made available for use in University courses built around book. Links to Public Domain software.

16 Education Promotion Program Book Donation- 250 (50% for underdeveloped regions)
High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, R. Buyya (ed.), Prentice Hall, High Performance Cluster Computing: Programming and Applications, R. Buyya (ed.), Prentice Hall, In Search of Clusters, 2nd ed., G. Pfister, Prentice Hall, Metacomputing: Future Generation Computing Systems, W. Gentzsch (ed.), Elsevier, Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, B. Wilkinson and C.M. Allen, Prentice Hall, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, selected books, -- (TBA) Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Baltzer Science Publishers, ISSN:

17 TFCC Awareness TFCC oriented Publications TFCC oriented Presentations
M.A. Baker, R. Buyya and D. Hyde, Cluster Computing: A High Performance Contender, IEEE Computer, July 1999. M.A. Baker and R. Buyya, Clusters serve up a challenge, The Age – newspaper, Fairfax IT, August 31st 1999. TFCC oriented Presentations IPPS’99 Workshops/USA, Barcelona/Spain, UK, India, Singapore, Australia. Tutorials Conferences: HPDC-8, USA and HiPer’99, Norway. IEEE Councils/Sections/Chapters in Au: Perth; India: Ahmedabad, Baroda, Bangalore, Hyderabad.

18 Flagship Event (1999) - IWCC’99
International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC’99) Dec. 2-3, Melbourne, Australia Support from In return TFCC writes “CC R&D in AU: A status report”

19 Flagship Event (2000) - Cluster2000
International Conference on Cluster Computing Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd, Chemnitz, Germany A merger of 3 workshops  Cluster’2000. IWCC/PC-NOW/German CC Cluster’2001 in Los Angles, USA.

20 Cooperative Events 1999 2000 HPDC-8, August 1999, LA, California.
PC-NOW'2000 along with IPDPS’2000, Mexico. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Cluster Computing with HPC Asia’2000, China. Workshop on Cluster Computing for Internet Applications with ICPADS’2000, Japan. Session: Cluster Computing with PDPTA’2000, Las Vegas. Cluster Computing Workshop with EuroPar'2000 in Munich.

21 TFCC - Future Plans Continue with current activities – seem to be going from strength to strength! Strengthen the TFCC by recruiting active volunteers. Complete White Paper and publish widely. Associate TFCC with other like minded efforts. Help to introduce CC related courses. Initiate new and novel activities... Work on gaining Technical Committee status!

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