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Hardness of an Asymmetric Stackelberg Network Pricing Game

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1 Hardness of an Asymmetric Stackelberg Network Pricing Game
Davide Bilò, Luciano Gualà, Guido Proietti

2 Pricing problems: a wide class of optimization problems
pricing problems for Unit-Demand Consumers: Min-buying model Max-buying model Rank-buying model With/without price ladder constraint pricing problems for Single-Minded Consumers: general on a network Network Pricing games Bilevel optimization problems with a game-theoretic flavour

3 Network pricing game 2-player game we have a (di)graph G=(V,E=RB)
each eR has a fixed cost c(e) leader sets a price p(e) for each eB the follower computes (buys) a (feasible) subgraph H(p) of G which minimizes (H,c,p) leader’s revenue: rev(H(p)) goal: find prices in order to maximize the revenue

4 Example: StackMST The follower computes an MST T(p) of G
1 6 6 (T,c,p) =  c(e)+ p(e) 7 eT eT 4 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 rev(T(p)) = p(e) 4 eT(p) 1 1

5 Example: StackMST The follower computes an MST T(p) of G
6 6 1 (T,c,p) =  c(e)+ p(e) 7 eT eT 4 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 rev(T(p)) = p(e) 4 eT(p) 1 1 The revenue is 13

6 Related work: StackSP [Roch et al., Networks’05]
strongly NP-hard O(log |B|)-apx [Joret, tech. report’08] APX-hard [Briest,Khanna, tech. report’09] Not approximable within 2-

7 Related work: StackMST
[Cardinal et al., WADS’07] APX-hard O(log |B|)-apx (single-price algorithm) [Cardinal et al., WINE’09] NP-hard for planar graphs Polynomial-time solvable for bounded treewidth graphs

8 Related work [Briest et al., STACS’08]:
O(log |B|+log f)-apx for binary demand Stackelberg games with f followers binary demand: Single-price algorithm (H,c,p) =  c(e)+ p(e) eH eH rev(H(p)) = p(e) eH(p)

9 Related work [Bilò,Gualà,Proietti,Widmayer, WINE’08]
(symmetric) StackSPT NP-hard Efficient poly-time algorithm when |B| is constant (T,c,p) =  dT(r,v) =  loadT(e)c(e)+ loadT(e)p(e) v eT eT rev(T(p)) = loadT(e)p(e) eT(p)

10 Related work [Briest,Hoefer,Gualà,Ventre, WINE’09]:
What when follower’s problem is NP-hard? Follower uses a 2-apx algorithm for Min-Knapsack Strong NP-hard (2+)-apx Follower uses a primal-dual algorithm for Set Cover APX-hard when element frequency f>2 exact poly-time algorithm when f=2

11 Asymmetric Stackelberg Shortest Path Tree (ASSPT) game
The follower computes an SPT T(p) rooted at r r (T,c,p) =  dT(r,v) 1 4 v 4 ? =  loadT(e)c(e)+ loadT(e)p(e) 8 eT eT ? 6 ? rev(T(p)) = p(e) 1 eT(p)

12 Our results Not approximable within n1/2- (n-1)-apx algorithm
unweighted star Equivalence with the Rooted Maximum Leaf Outbranching (RMLO) problem APX-hard in general, NP-hard for DAGs [Alon et al., Discrete Math., 2009] 92-apx algorithm [Daligault, Thomassé,IWPEC’09] APX-hard for DAGs unweighted chain Exact poly-time algorithm when G=(V, RB) is a DAG NP-hard otherwise

13 Theorem For every >0, the ASSPT game is not approximable within a factor n1/2-, even on DAGs and when c(e){0,1}, for each eR reduction from Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem MIS not approximable within n1-, for every >0, unless P=NP

14 G G’ of n nodes of N=(n2) nodes v v n copies of v 1 u u r n copies of u 1 1 v’ v’ n copies of v’ Claim 1: There exists an optimal pricing p* with the form p*:B  {0,1} Claim 2: Any pricing p:B  {0,1} defines an independent set Ip and the revenue of p is at most |Ip|n+n-|Ip| Claim 3: rev(p*) is at least |I*|n + n-|I*|, where I* is a MIS

15 G G’ ≥ ≥ > > rev(p*) n|I*| + n - |I*| n|I*| n1-’
of n nodes of N=(n2) nodes v v n copies of v 1 u u r n copies of u 1 1 v’ v’ n copies of v’ rev(p*) n|I*| + n - |I*| n|I*| > n1-’ n|Ip| + n - |Ip| rev(p) n|Ip| + n |I*| > n1- |Ip|

16 Theorem The exists an (n-1)-approximation algorithm for the ASSPT game
price every edge e=(u,v) as p(e)=max{0,d(v)-d(u)} d(x): red distance, i.e. distance from r to x in G=(V,R) Notice: every blue edge e with p(e)>0 is selected by the follower

17 T(p*) r : the path in T(p*) with maximum revenue rev()≥ 1/(n-1) r*
we’ll show that rev(T(p)) ≥ rev()

18 since every ei with p(ei)>0 is selected
k-1 d(vi)+wi+1 ≥ d(ui+1) i=1,…,k-1 r i=1 w1 = d(u1) w1 d(uk) = d(uk) u1 e1 k k v1 (d(vi)-d(ui)) ≥ d(vk) wi w2 i=1 i=1 u2 e2 v2 k w3 rev()  d(vk)- wi i=1 . since every ei with p(ei)>0 is selected uk k ek rev(T(p)) ≥ (d(vi)-d(ui)) vk i=1

19 Open problems Close the gap between lower and upper bounds
Is the single-price algorithm the best algorithm one can design?

20 Positioning MST problem
leader places non-parallel blue edges and price them Then, the follower computes an MST Leader collects the revenue Constraints: Leader has a budget B a placement cost (u,v), for each feasible position must place edges with total placement cost at most B T 4 4 8 1 1 3 6 7 2

21 Positioning MST problem
3 variants: without placement costs Uniform placement costs Unrestricted placement costs a modification of the single-price algorithm always guarantees a O(log n)-apx Subcase of StackMST ??? can we say more? generalizes StackMST

22 Thank you

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