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Setting up the Game Board

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up the Game Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up the Game Board
Preplanning for Personalized Learning

2 Read the Room

3 Daniel Hodge Personalized Learning Coach Barnwell Elementary
Monday Grade-Level PD Tuesday - Friday Teacher #1 am Teacher #2 pm -Coaching Model- Daniel Hodge Personalized Learning Coach Barnwell Elementary

4 Why This Presentation?

5 What is Personalized Learning?

6 Personalized Learning - v.
Key Words Personalized Learning - v. To engage students in a collaborative and self-directed learning environment where they are encouraged to take risks and ownership of their own learning behavior Collaborative Self-Directed Positive Learning Environment Exemplary Level Ownership

7 New Strategies Misconceptions Mistakes Reflection Insight
Two-Year Immersion into Personalized Learning

8 Misconception Teacher led is ineffective

9 We Observed Students Lacked Vision of the Big Picture
Frustrated by Lack of Student Follow-Through We Were Reactionary

10 New Strategy Gradual Release of Responsibility Model Presentation

11 “I do it” “We do it” “You do it together” “You do it alone”
Not asking questions Scripted & Planned Brief “We do it” Providing Feedback on Strategy Prompting and Cueing Not Correcting “You do it together” Students asking guiding questions Fueled by modeling and question frames “You do it alone” Target multiple skills Apply in different contexts Monitor as form. assessment Gradual Release - Going deeper

12 Where to Implement - Gradual Release

13 Where to Implement - Gradual Release
Strategies are the “How” This group of people (skill) by (strategy) . SMP Aligned MATH Menus Resources

14 When? 3 Day Gradual Release Structure Resource
Spiral Review Group 1 Explicit Instruction Group 1 Explicit Instruction Flexible Group Time Group 2 Explicit Instruction Group 2 Explicit Instruction Flexible Group Time Flexible Group Time Reflection When? 3 Day Gradual Release Structure Resource

15 Share question stems during “We do” Create Partnerships in K-2
Fit “I do” on a Post-It Share question stems during “We do” Create Partnerships in K-2 & Clubs 3-5 Reflections, Insights, and New Strategies

16 Misconception Online learning engages students

17 We Observed Passive Learning Lack of Application Fleeting Engagement

18 Accountability Link

19 DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Writing Logs Graphic Organizers Google Slides
Vary Writing Genres Compare & Contrast to current work The 40 Reflection Questions - Edutopia Levels of Thinking

20 Assessment for Learning -vs- Assessment as Learning

21 Use the Gradual Release Model Alternate Versions of Accountability
Provide Feedback Start at DOK1 for Everyone (the floor) Reflections, Insights, and New Strategies

22 Misconception We aren’t ready for Co-planning Learning

23 We Assumed IEPs for Everyone Not Standards Aligned Couldn’t Grade It

24 “A New Shape for Schooling?
David H. Hargreaves

25 Question Formulation Technique
Write the standard Students generate questions Students identify open and closed (Thick & Thin) questions Students prioritize questions Make questions visible @TeachKerley

26 New Strategy QFT

27 New Strategy QFT

28 Use Images instead of Standards
Introduce Open & Closed Questions in 3rd Add a Questioning Chart in 4th & 5th Allow students to research questions as enrichment The standard is the floor, the question is the ceiling Link Reflections, Insights, and New Strategies

29 I do - I You do together - T
August September October Code Lesson Plans I do - I You do together - T We do - W You do alone - A Digital Content Accountability Implement QFT Rollout

30 Digital Accountability Question Formulation Technique
Gradual Release Model Digital Accountability Question Formulation Technique Professional Knowledge Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Differentiated Instruction Assessment Uses Positive Learning Env Professional Knowledge Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Differentiated Instruction Assessment Strategies Assessment Uses Positive Learning Env Varied Strategy Just-in-Time Direct Inst Student Choice & Voice Demonstrating Mastery Flexible Pacing Co-planning Learning Professional Knowledge Instructional Strategies Positive Learning Env Varied Strategy Student Choice & Voice Mastery Based Assessment Co-planning Learning TKES - Exemplary (continually seek ways to serve as role models or teacher leaders)

31 Questions

32 Feedback

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