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Genre characteristics

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1 Genre characteristics
Science Fiction

2 Definition Science fiction novels are those that deal with scientific topics, space travel, aliens, and recognizably Earth-variant world or life-forms that have not been touched by magic. Time travel, not occasioned by magic, is here, as are stories of distant civilizations (present or future) that show some relationship to Earth or Earth life forms. Diana Tixier Herald Genreflecting “Science Fiction”

3 What is science fiction?
Introduces an almost overwhelming wealth of concepts and ideas. Takes a precept, perception, or idea and explores it in a setting outside of our own world or in a future time. Removing readers from what is safe and known forces them to think differently Consider “what if” not just “what is.”

4 Science fiction… Affirms the importance of story in our lives
Imagination Survival of the species

5 Science fiction structure
Frame: Evocative and visual: developed during a time of radio, listeners were used to using imagination to visualize settings, characters, and events. Therefore, it is descriptive. Characterization Moral, social, and philosophical questions are pursued through action, situations, and events, rather than through characters.

6 Characteristics of Science Fiction
1. This is speculative fiction, usually set in the future, which explores moral, social, intellectual, philosophical, and ethical questions, against a setting outside of everyday reality. 2. Setting is crucial and invokes otherness of time, place, or reality. This relates to the physical setting of the story, as well as tone, which often is constructed to disorient the readers.

7 Characteristics continued
3. Technical and scientific details form an important part of the story. 4. Characters are generally secondary to issues and atmosphere. However, authors do use aliens and otherworldly creatures to emphasize otherness in their stories.

8 Characteristics cont. 5. Because of the complexity of creating another world, authors often write series that feature continuing characters or at least characters that inhabit the same world for more than one book. 6. Pacing depends on the focus of the book. If there is more physical action, the pacing is faster; if ideas are emphasized more, the book generally unfolds at a more leisurely pace

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