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Marine Biology Definition: Why study? Includes: Geology

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1 Marine Biology Definition: Why study? Includes: Geology
the study of organisms that live in the sea (this includes all water that has some degree of salinity). provide clue about early life on earth Many products come from the sea support recreation and tourism worldwide Marine organisms produce oxygen Oceans help to regulate climate Marine organisms can cause problems directly to human life or their property Marine Biology Geology Chemistry (organic and inorganic) Physics Meteorology Zoology Includes:

2 Arctic Ocean North Sea Baltic Sea Okhotsk Sea Bering Sea Black Sea Med. Sea Sea of Japan Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Red Sea Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal China Sea Gulf of California Indian Ocean Coral Sea Ross Sea Weddell Sea

3 What is the importance of water?

4 Importance of Water Hydrogen HOGS electrons
Attraction of one water molecule to another is known as hydrogen bonding

5 Three States of Water Solid Liquid Gas
Ice is caused by subjecting water molecules to low temperatures. Liquid Hydrogen bonds help keep water molecules as a cohesive group at most temperatures Gas Water vapor (the amount of water vapor in the air is humidity).

6 Water Properties 1- Surface Tension 2- Latent heat of melting
“skin” on surface Allows objects to float = cohesion 2- Latent heat of melting Ice melts at relatively high temperatures Absorbs a great deal of heat as it melts

7 3- Latent heat of evaporization
More water than gas Water has the highest heat of evaporation of any naturally occurring substance. 4- Heat capacity Strong buffer against rising/falling temps Air temp fluctuates more than water 5- Transparency sunlight shining on the surface can penetrate the surface

8 6- Density 7- Dissolving ability
Cold water is more dense than warm water Cold water sinks underneath warm water. Colder water holds more oxygen than warmer water. 7- Dissolving ability Universal solvent Solute vs Solvent Salinity

9 Salinity Dissolved salts in water; parts per thousand (ppt).
Average ocean is 35ppt Brackish <25ppt Hypersaline >40ppt Salinity may vary Constituents are always the same proportions. 1 1 1 1 1

10 The Composition of Seawater at 35 ppt Salinity


12 Pressure Greater the deeper the depth. Water at the bottom
has the weight of the water above it pushing down on it

13 Assignment Draw a picture to represent each of the 7 unique properties of water

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