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Medical Education Fellowships in the North Western Deanery

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1 Medical Education Fellowships in the North Western Deanery
Supporting the Educators of the Future Medical Education Fellowships in the North Western Deanery Gill Phazey Project Manager – North Western Deanery MEF Project Group: Mr Andy Jones, Dr Steven Agius and Miss Amanda Fox Direct Line:

2 Context One strand of the Deanery strategy for Educator Development.
23 Medical Education Fellows (MEFs) in total Cohort 1: = 8 Cohort 2: = 9 Cohort 3: = 6 ST3+ in a range of specialties 2 year fellowship - no additional training time required.

3 The Structure of the Fellowship
Complete 2 Modules of the Postgraduate Certificate in Workplace Based Medical Education at Edge Hill University Attend Educational Conferences Present MEF Work Undertake an Educational Project

4 Evaluation Qualitative Evaluation (late 2010)
7 semi-structured telephone interviews with 7 Cohort 1 MEFs Data thematically analysed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

5 Results Development of Practical Educational Skills
Increased confidence in delivering education Valuable project and research skills Postgraduate certificate formalised knowledge and skills Development of Practical Educational Skills Having access to a network of educationalists has been beneficial The value of educational mentorship Impact of access to Educationalist Networks Fellowships have helped to confirm career plans The title “MEF” creates opportunities in Medical Education Career Impact

6 The combined approach is key to MEF development
“Had we just done the PG cert alone without the MEF, yes it’s good and yes it goes through educational theory…but you still don’t have to actually take on that role. You can learn all about it and put some of it into action, but you don’t necessarily take on that role of an educationalist as such. I think having the MEF behind you and doing the educational research…the meeting up between us and meeting up at the Deanery…that really grounds it and brings it all together…it’s those extra bits I think that switch us from having done a postgraduate certificate in medical education to becoming, you know, leading educators.” Participant 06

7 Other Outcomes National and International presentations Publications
AoME Poster Prize 2011 – Cohort 1 Group Poster AMEE oral presentation 2011 – Expectations of Newly Qualified Doctors SEA UK 2011 poster presentation - Introduction of a Novel epidural online training course for Midwives Publications 2 Papers submitted relating to MEF project work Improvement of Training Programmes in the region Curriculum mapping exercise highlighting areas for development in Diabetes Improvement of ICM to better prepare trainees for Consultant roles

8 Further Developments Expectations of an MEF – “Objectives for MEFs”
Delivery of Education Development of Interest in Education Research and Publication Participation in MEF Programme Further opportunities to experience the roles of senior Medical Educators Deanery Experiences for MEFs Educational Co-Supervising for Foundation Trainees

9 Further Developments Deanery Experiences for MEFs: ARCPs
Quality Monitoring Visits School Board Meetings National Deans Meetings Steering Group Meetings MEF Recruitment Panels Inter-Deanery Transfer Panels School Away Days Educational Co-Supervising: Completion of Module 2 of PGCE Completion of 2 year Fellowship Work alongside an experienced Educational Supervisor supporting an F1/2 Doctor. Supported by the Foundation Programme Director and Associate Dean.

10 Conclusions QUESTIONS?
Developed a cohort of trainees acting as ambassadors and champions of education in their specialties and trusts. Project work allows MEFs to develop skills and experience in educational research. Additional benefits for MEFs such as publication, presentation and involvement in training programme developments. Development of an enthusiastic, skilled network of clinical educators for the future. QUESTIONS?

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