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Society’s laws & values can conflict with personal morals & values.

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Presentation on theme: "Society’s laws & values can conflict with personal morals & values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society’s laws & values can conflict with personal morals & values.
Topic: nature, Huck, freedom, religion, Jim Huck is conflicted about turning Jim in Jim thinks he should be free Huck doesn’t want to be “sivilized” Grangerford/Shepherdson feud Huck thinks stealing what you don’t need is wrong

2 Freedom means different things to different people.
Topic: Huck, Jim, freedom, nature Huck wants to escape Pap Jim wants freedom from slavery Huck & Jim want freedom from society & its flaws

3 People tend to behave irrationally & even cruelly in groups.
Topic: nature, freedom, religion Boggs incident Feud (Grangerford/Shepherdsons) When the mob tries to bust the king & duke Tom’s gang King and duke are tarred & feathered Mob searches for Jim

4 The tension between freedom and conformity can cause inner conflict
Topic: freedom, Huck, nature Huck struggles with whether to turn in Jim Huck struggles with whether to obey Pap Huck doesn’t want to be “sivilized” Huck wonders about stealing

5 Society’s laws & values need to be examined, questioned, & changed if necessary
Topic: Huck, Jim, freedom, nature, education, religion Practical education is valuable Slavery is wrong Hypocrisy is wrong – people should do what they say they’ll do in church

6 Belief in superstition is often strong in people who have little control over their lives.
Topic: superstition, Huck, Jim Jim & Huck have little control over their lives and are superstitious Widow Douglas & Miss Watson are not superstitious (salt incident)

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