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The five W's W HO? W HAT? W HEN? W HERE? W HY?.

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Presentation on theme: "The five W's W HO? W HAT? W HEN? W HERE? W HY?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The five W's W HO? W HAT? W HEN? W HERE? W HY?

2 W HEN? In 1472: It’s the fifteenth century. Many many years ago...
Fai un clik per conoscere la risposta esatta

3 W HO?

4 Fai un clik per conoscere la risposta esatta To discover the mistery... Look for a picture! Where is it?

5 I’m Battista Sforza and he is the boss, my dear husband.
I’m Federico da Montefeltro, the boss, and she is Battista, my dear wife.

6 I am… A soldier A king A duke A painter An illiterate A rich man
Prova a indovinare. Con un clik si cancelleranno le parole sbagliate. I am… A soldier A king A duke A painter An illiterate A rich man A Pope A poor man A condottiero Fan of the arts A photographer An owner of a large library A father

7 unisci le parole all’oggetto
Con un clik unisci le parole all’oggetto I am… A rich man Lover of books A father Military leader

8 W HAT?

9 W HAT happens? Prova a indovinare. Con un clik apparirà la
risposta esatta. W HAT happens? Battista is on the left side of the diptych. This is a strange thing for a double portrait because the left side is the most important and it is usually reserved to kings or dukes And…then…why? Because Federico loves his wife very much...and…. to hide his damaged right eye. He lost his right eye in a joust. LEFT RIGHT

10 W HERE?

11 This is my palace. It’s in my town, Urbino.

12 Let’s guess the room! A library called STUDIOLO

13 Federico has a passion for culture: in his palace he has got a little room, called Studiolo, full of important books. On the walls you can see the tecnique of “intarsio”: there are decorations made of wood and perspective illusions.

14 W HY?

15 It’s time to introduce you a great artist. He works for Federico.
It’s easy! It’s time to introduce you a great artist. He works for Federico. No, it isn’t me! It’s Piero Della Francesca! Sorry, I have no photos by him to show you. But I can show you a picture:

16 Hi, l’m Piero di Benedetto de ‘Franceschi
Hi, l’m Piero di Benedetto de ‘Franceschi. My nickname is Piero della Francesca. I was born in 1416 (probably). I am an Italian painter and a mathematician.

17 double portrait love wealth
Federico asks to me to make a double portrait, a diptych, to remember his love for Battista. It is a symbol of their wealth too, of course! double portrait love wealth

18 Qualche notizia per i ragazzi più grandi.

19 le parole sottolineate
And now....Zoom in! Look at the landscape: you can see fields, distant city walls, sailboats on the river, paths, very distant hills in the fog…. These are Appennini mountains, where they live. Usando il puntatore, indica dove sono le parole sottolineate

20 She’s Battista. She’s a court lady. She’s wearing a rich brocade dress.The dress is black and it has got orange slevees. She’s wearing a fabulous necklace: it’s made of pearls and precious stones. She has got long blond hair with an elaborated hairstyle. She’s also wearing a small necklace with a red rondel. Look at her face: her forehead is very high: it’s fashionable at that time. It’s as pale as a ghost. Why? Because she’s dead!

21 He’s Federico. He’s looking at his wife, he’s quiet and silent. He’s wearing a simple red jacket, called giubbone and a cylindrical red hat, typical of condottieri. He’s wearing a white shirt under the red jacket. He’s got curly black hair. Look at his face: he has got wrinkles and four big moles. His nose is big and bad. He has got a big chin. His skin is brown. Why? He’s often outside!

22 Federico da Montefeltro
Riassumendo W HO? Federico da Montefeltro W HEN? Many years ago W HAT? joust W HERE? Urbino W HY? know Piero della Francesca

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