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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS PLAN Fifth Coffee."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS PLAN Fifth Coffee

2 Executive Summary Fifth Coffee provides a friendly and comfortable atmosphere where the customer can enjoy coffee with a good quality taste. Fifth Coffee will offer other delicious food and beverages with reasonable price and will be supporting by free WIFI to encourage customers a little big longer there. Fifth Coffee goal is to provide its costumer the best pleasant coffee spot experience at Kemang (South Jakarta) area. Jl. Sandrateks No. 48, Kemang, South Jakarta.

3 Selvi Aprilianti DIRECTOR
Fifth Coffee Goals Management Team 1 Short-term goal 2 Use the quality of Fifth Coffee service and advertising to soon become well-known through out South Jakarta. Thami Tri Rafiani OWNER Selvi Aprilianti DIRECTOR Long-term goal 3 4 5 Expand the business to other locations and include new branches. Luisa MANAGER OPR. M. Faikar T. L ASSIS. MANAGER Vincent Ignatius ASSIS. MANAGER


5 Market Analysis Target Market: people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Customers vary in age with mainly focus on university student and older, people working close to the coffee shop and sophisticated teenager. Competition: major competition is Reading Room which is located approximately 200m away from Fifth Coffee. One of the strengths of Reading Room would be that they serve coffee along with selling books and they are already well-known in Kemang.

6 Market Trends

7 Marketing Strategy Fifth Coffee will be focused at serving the great-tasting coffee, quick services, and pleasant atmosphere Getting and retaining new customers, getting customers to spend more and come back more often Offering opening day promo: 50% discount for the first 10 buyers, for the rest buyer get 10% of the original price. Offering daily promo: Every purchase with min. Rp 200,000,- will get 1 stamp. After collecting 10 stamps, the next purchase will get 10% of discount.

8 Start-up Costs Total = Rp. 322,900,000 Investation Expenses
Rent Shop/year Rp. 230,000,000 Renovation Rp. 20,000,000 Shop Decor. Rp. 30,000,000 Kitchen Equip. Rp. 20,000,000 Sub Total Rp. 300,000,000 Operational Expenses Manager Salary Rp. 2,500,000 Ass. Manager Salary (2) Rp. 4,000,000 Chef Salary (2) Rp. 3,500,000 Bartender Salary Rp. 1,500,000 Cashier Salary Rp. 1,500,000 Waiter Salary(2) Rp. 2,400,000 Ingredients Rp. 3,500,000 Wifi Rp. 400,000 Promotion Cost Rp. 600,000 Unexpected Cost Rp. 3,000,000 Sub Total Rp. 22,900,000 Start-up Costs Total = Rp. 322,900,000

9 Start-up Costs Income Target/month Rp. 75,750,000
Expenses/month Rp. 22,900, _ Profit/month Rp. 52,850,000 Hence, with the profit Rp. 52,850,000, the start-up costs will be covered in 6 months. Start-up Costs

10 Thank You

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