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Command Economy 1. What is produced? Crops livestock Handmade goods

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1 Command Economy 1. What is produced? Crops livestock Handmade goods
Definition: An economic system in which: resources are distributed by inheritance (property is passed down to future generations) there is a strong community network primitive (simple, ancient) methods and tools are used Type of Government(s): Chiefdom (ex. Native Americans) 1. What is produced? Crops livestock Handmade goods 2. How is it produced? Subsistence farming, gathering Herding, hunting Sewing, weaving, woodworking, ceramics 3. For whom it is produced? For the family For others within the community (sold in a market place) Tourists Examples of nations (countries): Villages in parts of South America, Asia, and Africa. Definition: An economic system in which the government decides what goods will be produced, how they will be produced, and how they will be distributed. Type of Government(s): Communist Fascism Socialist Authoritarian – ex. Dictatorship 1. What is produced? Whatever the government decides is needed 2. How is it produced?  Government decides cheapest method  3. For whom it is produced? Government decides who is in need Examples of nations (countries): China,Cuba, North Korea, Sweden, Myanmar Command Economy TRADITIONAL ECONOMY

2 Market Economy Definition:
An economic system in which businesses make choices of what to produce based on wants/needs of consumers. Type of Government(s): None What is produced? Business owners decide what is most profitable How is it produced? Most cost-effective (efficient) method For whom it is produced? For consumers who can afford the price Examples of nations (countries): No country has a 100% market economy. Definition: An economic system in which businesses make the majority of economic decisions while being regulated by the government. (combination of traditional, market and command systems)     Type of Government(s): Constitutional Monarchy Constitutional Democracy What is produced? Business owners decide what is most profitable The government makes sure products are safe How is it produced? Most cost effective method For whom it is produced? People who can afford the price Government also helps those who cannot afford basic necessities Examples of nations (countries): United Kingdom, France, U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia (almost every country in the world has a mixed economy) Market Economy MIXED ECONOMY

3 AC Assignment Rank the economic systems. Place a one by the one you think is the best, a 2 by the next best, and so on. Now that you have ranked the economic systems, write at least one paragraph for each defending why or why not you think that is a good system. Be sure to state the pros and cons of each.

4 Assignment Which type of economy do you think is the best? Traditional, command, market, or mixed? In a one page persuasive essay, explain which economic system you think is the best. Use your notes to defend your answer. Do not skip lines between paragraphs. If you choose to type it, it must be no bigger than a 14 font and at least 20 lines.

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