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Monday Bell Ringer (ODD)

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1 Monday Bell Ringer (ODD)
Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. The zoo essay should be turned in. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.

2 Sleep Passage Set – Informative
1. Read the prompt. Box in the task (type of essay) and underline the thesis statement. 2. Create a chicken foot and write the thesis. 3. Read the sources and look for important information to support the thesis. Underline it. Identify 3 main ideas to add to the chicken foot.

3 Sleep Passage Set 1. Using the sources and chicken foot write your rough draft of the essay. 2. Color code your writing using the ICE’d strategy I your writing folder. Introduce-topic sentence with thesis. RED Evidence-must have 2 pieces for each body paragraph. HIGHLIGHT Explain/Elaborate-tie back to your baby thesis. Explain how the evidence supports the thesis of your body paragraph. BLUE Identify the hook, thesis statement, and 3 baby thesis statements in the introduction. Remember your conclusion should tie back to your thesis statement in your introduction. 3. Use the informative rubric to self grade yourself.

4 Tuesday Bell Ringer (EVEN)
Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. The zoo essay should be turned in. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.

5 Sleep Passage Set 1. Using the sources and chicken foot finish your rough draft of the essay. 2. Color code your writing using the ICE’d strategy I your writing folder. Introduce-topic sentence with thesis. RED Evidence-must have 2 pieces for each body paragraph. HIGHLIGHT Explain/Elaborate-tie back to your baby thesis. Explain how the evidence supports the thesis of your body paragraph. BLUE Identify the hook, thesis statement, and 3 baby thesis statements in the introduction. Remember your conclusion should tie back to your thesis statement in your introduction. 3. Use the informative rubric to self grade yourself. READ A BOOK WHEN DONE.

6 Wednesday Bell Ringer (regular)
Read a book if you do not have any revisions or incomplete work. Zoo essay should be turned in along with any revised work. **Have your remediation block paper on your desk. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Have a book ready for the bell ringer.

7 Grade Using the FSA rubric, self grade your paper. As you read your paper, make any necessary corrections and revisions. Identify a strength and target. Give yourself a final rating. (10 min.) Pass your paper to your teammates and have each teammate grade your paper using a different colored pencil or pen. Each teammate must identify a strength and target. (10 min. per paper)

8 Thursday Bell Ringer (EVEN)
1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.

9 Collection 6 Test – Summative Grade Take your time.
Read the questions carefully and practice test taking strategies. Read a book when finished.

10 Friday Bell Ringer (regular)
1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.

11 ThinkCERCA 1. Finish Get Real OR Eating Troubles
Remember you must follow steps 1-6 in order. No retakes for step Go back in the text. Use your writing folder and CERCA organizer for the build your argument and final essay. 2. Type your sleep essay if you finish early. Save to VPORTAL or thumb drive. 3. Go on

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