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Easily Missed Ectopic Pregnancy.

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Presentation on theme: "Easily Missed Ectopic Pregnancy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easily Missed Ectopic Pregnancy

2 How common is it? Estimated at 11.1 cases per 1,000 reported pregnancies 12% of ectopic pregnancies were missed at initial presentation In A&E, 45% were discharged with the wrong diagnosis

3 What are the known risk factors?
History of ectopic pregnancy Pelvic inflammatory disease Previous tubal surgery Fertility treatment Smoking Multiple sexual partners

4 When should it be suspected?
Unilateral lower abdominal pain Amenorrhea Positive pregnancy test Known risk factors

5 How is it definitively diagnosed?
Transvaginal ultrasound Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin

6 Why is it missed? Failure to consider a possible pregnancy
Failure to place importance on known risk factors Failure to consider an ectopic pregnancy in the differential diagnosis Failure to arrange suitable follow-up

7 Why does this matter? In most cases, surgery is no longer needed
Can be treated safely and effectively with Methotrexate Late diagnosis could lead to tubal rupture requiring emergency surgery

8 What to do in Custody Take a history and examine the patient
If they have Unilateral low pain; Amenorrhea; +ive pregnancy test If there is a history of: Ectopic pregnancy, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Previous tubal surgery, Fertility treatment, Smoking, Multiple sexual partners (one, many or all of these factors) Refer to A&E with a note of your differential diagnosis

9 Summary Ectopic pregnancy is easily missed
Consider ectopic pregnancy in patients with: Unilateral low abdominal pain – Amenorrhea – Known risk factors – positive pregnancy test Definitive diagnosis can only be made in hospital Refer to A&E

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