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Lesson 2 Dairy Value Chain

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1 Lesson 2 Dairy Value Chain
Feeding Dairy Cows Lesson 2 Dairy Value Chain

2 Play the Role of a Feed Detective!
Using your sense of smell, taste and touch DESCRIBE the TMR (Total Mixed Ration). When finished, make a list of the feed components that have been combined to make this mix.

3 Background Terms Ration TMR Feed Roughages Feed Concentrates
Use any resource in the classroom to define the following terms. Record them in your notebook: Ration TMR Feed Roughages Feed Concentrates Daily water required for a dairy cow Protein additives Mineral supplements

4 Check your answers. Draw a visual
Check your answers. Draw a visual. Add any new information in colored pencil! Ration: a fixed allowance of total feed for an animal for one day TMR: Total Mixed Ration. Practice of weighing and blending all feedstuffs into a complete ration which provides adequate nourishment to meet the needs of dairy cows

5 Check your answers, draw a visual, and add any new information in colored pencil!
Roughages: Plant-based feed sources that add fiber and bulk to the diet, including pasture forages, hays, silages. Concentrates: grains that are added to the ration. They provide energy.

6 Check your answers, draw a visual, and add any new information in colored pencil!
Proteins help with milk production and milk protein content Maintains cow’s body condition May include distillers grains or by-products Daily water required for a dairy cow: gallons per day! Dairy cows consume water in order to produce or make milk. Milk is about 85-90% water.

7 Vitamins and Mineral Supplements:
Check your answers. Draw a visual. Add any new information in colored pencil. Vitamins and Mineral Supplements: Mainly concerned with supplementing Phosphorus Calcium Trace salts

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