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Journal of Vision. 2009;9(5):31. doi: /9.5.31 Figure Legend:

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1 From: An examination of binocular reading fixations based on sentence corpus data
Journal of Vision. 2009;9(5):31. doi: /9.5.31 Figure Legend: Schematic visualization of two disparate eye fixations. Top view of the horizontal plane. The figure reflects the ratio of distances in the experiment. Distances are given in Cartesian coordinates with the origin in the midpoint between the centers of the eyes. The distance between reader and monitor (i.e., the viewing distance) is expressed in centimeters while horizontal distances are expressed in degrees, relative to the midpoint between the centers of the eyes [0°]. Angles and distances are exact for an inter-ocular distance of 6.5 cm. Fixations were measured on the surface of the monitor. Lines of sight for the left eye (L) are represented by broken lines, lines of sight for the right eye (R) are represented by solid lines. The fixation on the left half of the monitor shows crossed disparity: The left eye fixates to the right of the right eye. In this case, the lines of sight intersect at a point Ixyz in front of the monitor. The fixation on the right half of the monitor shows uncrossed disparity; the binocular fixation point Ixyz is located beyond the monitor. The intersection of the lines of sight forms the vergence angle γ. Date of download: 11/1/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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