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Constanta, national meeting 2017

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1 Constanta, national meeting 2017
Reinforcing the cooperation in the Aeronautic, the MoU signed with Clean Sky Joint Undertaking Anna Sibilla, EASME Country Officer PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE

2 What are Joint Technology Initiative Joint Undertakings?
AGENDA What are Joint Technology Initiative Joint Undertakings? Specificity of Clean Sky SMEs in Clean Sky Cooperation with Regions and Member States Clean Sky event in Romania (mid October 2017)

3 EU Member States Industry What are Public Private Partnerships?
JOINT TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE (Joint Undertaking) Research agenda driven by industry Common objectives Joint implementation IMI2 CS2 FCH2 BBI S2R Activities open and transparent Two main models exist: EU + Industry or the tripartite: EU + Industry + Members States. In SESAR the EU is represented by Commission and Eurocontrol, ECSEL SESAR (JU) IMPACT competitiveness, growth, jobs, social benefits

4 Rationale Clean Sky 2 (CS2)
To meet EU targets on climate  energy package we need to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. Aeronautics' future international competitiveness will depend on the environmental performance of its technologies. Improving the environmental performance in aviation is complex, expensive and requires long-term commitment (technological complexity). Industry alone cannot address this challenge because of the expense and risks involved, and because the social benefits of cleaner air travel cannot all be appropriated by the investing firms (market failure). Technological capabilities in aviation are highly specialised, complementary and scattered across Europe, which is why public intervention at individual Member State level is insufficient (cross-border knowledge).

5 CS2 General objectives Specific objectives
Improve the environmental impact of European aeronautical technologies in order to: contribute to the achievement of Europe's 20/20/20 targets. secure the future international competitiveness of the European aeronautical industry. Specific objectives Integrate, demonstrate and validate technologies capable of: increasing aircraft fuel efficiency thus reducing CO2 emissions by 30%. reducing aircraft NOx and noise emissions by 20 to 30 %. Targets compared to “state-of-the-art” aircraft entering into service as from 2014.

6 CS2 at a glance EU funding from H2020: €1755 M
Duration of the initiative: up to 2024 Calls publication: in general several/year (30% of the total budget allocated to call for partners) Evaluation: 1 step Typology of projects: rather small; topics are precise and often demand "monobeneficiary" applicants. Technical procurement may be launched for limited topics 16 large companies are members of the JU. Core partners, will be funded with a further 30% of budget following the launching of calls for proposals Technical procurement is still an option, it is not yet implemented

7 Clean Sky & SMEs (FP7 & H2020 calls)
2011: Number of SMEs in funded projects: 38% 2012: Number of SMEs in funded projects: 38% with a 50% success rate 2013: Number of SMEs in funded projects: 36% 2014: Number of SMEs in funded projects: 34.93% SMEs funding share overall (i.e. since the launching of CS under FP7): 34% Sources: COM(2012) 758 final COM(2013) 935 final Clean Sky Annual Activity report 2013 : Clean Sky Annual Activity report 2014:

8 JTI JUs BUDGET (million € for 2014-2020) Public Private Partnerships
EU (H2020) Private Partners Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) 1 638 1 425 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 (FCH2) 665 380 Clean Sky 2 (CS2) 1 755 2 194 Electronic component and systems (ECSEL) 1 185 ( from MSs) 1 657 Bio-based Industries (BBI) 975 2 730 Shift2Rail (S2R) 450 470 European ATM system (SESAR) 585 1 000 (incl. Eurocontrol)

9 Memoranda of Understanding… what for?
Clean Sky has developed a coherent and comprehensive policy strategy and an action plan on synergies for Member States and Regions which are interested in investing ESIF within the aeronautics R&I area and other related technologies. To enhance the cooperation with Member States and Regions, as well as to facilitate the synergies with ESIF, the Clean Sky makes available an annotated model MoU, to set the framework of cooperation with a Member State or Region. The ESIF Managing Authorities can play a crucial role in creating the necessary “incentive effect” and encouraging in their funding instruments the stakeholders to propose activities linking to Clean Sky.



12 Memoranda of Understanding… what for?
Five scenarios have been identified which outline the appropriate and possible mechanisms for cooperation. These scenarios should be considered and adapted according to the regional funding schemes envisaged under the OPs, rules and processes while keeping the CS programme/calls in line with its own rules: 1. Upstream support 2. Parallel funding 3. Sequential funding/downstream support 4. Thematic approach 5. “Seal of Excellence” – “Clean Sky synergy label”

13 The MoU with Romania MoU signed between the Ministry for Research and Innovation from Romania and Clean Sky JU (CSJU) The Ministry for Research and Innovation from Romania launched a dedicated action (through call for proposals) for supporting synergies between ESIF and Horizon 2020 and other international R&D programmes, including CSJU. The action is called  „COMPLEMENT”, gives financial support by Structural Funds to RTD&I projects to complement projects undertaken at the level of the Joint Undertaking (in the case of Clean Sky JU).  "COMPLEMENT projects"  are complementary to the activities in the Work Plan and contribute to achieve the JTI's objectives.

Selected for funding projects have undergone formal verification and eligibility and are funded within the allocated budget, The scoring is attributed taking into consideration both ESIF and the associated Horizon 2020/JTIs proposals. The ranking list is made in decreasing order to the consumption of the allocated budget Participants from Romania to CLEANSKY2 as well as to other Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) funded by Horizon 2020 may apply to the COMPLEMENT action provided that requirements are respected. (*) In order to be eligible for funding under COMPLEMENT, the complementary RDI package must receive from the JTI evaluators a Synergy Label (CLEANSKY2) or equivalent (others) (*)See CLEANSKY2 "Guidance Note on how and what to include in the proposal of complementary activities supported by ESIF") PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE

The table shows a maximum amount of funding, by type of activity and beneficiaries (enterprises) Activity Enterprise Large Medium Small Basic research 100% Industrial research 50% 60% 70% Industrial research in effective collaboration or  with dissemination of results 65% 75% 80% Experimental development 25% 35% 45% Experimental development in effective collaboration or  with dissemination of results 40% Preparing preparatory feasibility studies for RD activities Obtain, validate and protect industrial property rights - PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE

16 Are synergies with the Romanian EEN possible?
Participating to the Transport Sector Group, Promotion of Clean Sky calls during local/regional/national events, Promotion of the "COMPLEMENT action" of your Ministry during local/regional/national events, Contact with the referents at the Ministry and at Clean Sky to establish connections and get a better understanding of opportunities, October 2017: Clean Sky plans a major event to launch its call in Bucharest, there is the availability of the JU to organise this with Network partners.

17 Contact persons: Beatrice Paduroiu Consilier pentru afaceri europene
Beatrice Paduroiu Consilier pentru afaceri europene Direcția Relatii Internationale si Europene Ministerul Cercetarii si Inovarii Mendeleev 21-25, Bucuresti, Romania Tel: Bruno Mastantuono CLEANSKY Joint Undertaking White Atrium Building TO56 – 4th floor – B-1049 Brussels Tel:

THANKS!! Anna Sibilla Project Adviser Department A - COSME, H2020 SME and EMFF Unit A.1 COSME Sector A.1.1 Evaluation & Monitoring Follow us at PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE

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