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GWU Malta – professionals, finance & services Section

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1 GWU Malta – professionals, finance & services Section
Noel Bartolo Cert CIB

2 Where is Malta ?

3 A very enlarged map of Malta

4 Where on earth is Malta?! It is an archipelago of islands between the coasts of Sicily and North Africa. The Maltese islands are the most southerly European country. The archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. The total area is 316 sq kms!!

5 Historical Context & Structure
A highly standardised workforce at naval dockyard laid the foundation for emergence of a strong trade union movement There has been a noticeable shift towards a pattern of corporate tripartite bargaining at national level based on social partnership (government, employers & trade unions) under the umbrella of the MCESD (Malta Council for Economic & Social Development)

6 Trade Union Membership
For the past two decades an increase in Malta’s trade union membership has been registered Union density is above 60%, with males representing a higher density 2 major unions GWU – 40% and CMTU – 37%

7 Factors accounting for high density rate:
1. Small size: (i) reduces cost of organization (ii) Enables trade union to keep closer to grassroots level (iii) Industry is concentrated in small confined areas

8 The political polarization
The political polarization. The two major political parties in Malta in the 1980’s urged workers to join the trade union that is more sympathetic to their ideology. 3. Insurance against discrimination.

9 Political Influence – General Perception Major Political movements
Employees with a social democratic preference tend to join/favour GWU when selecting a union , whilst on the other hand employees with a centre right preference are more prone to seek affiliation with a union represented in the CMTU which is a confederation of Maltese Trade Unions. Most of the younger generation is exempt from this ideology since they either opt to form house unions (like in Central Bank of Malta), or alternatively seek/shop around to secure the best services a union may give. Both unions are non affiliated to a political party. Alternatively younger generation may seek for an individualistic approach. This is some thing our GWU youths section addresses at employee formation stage (during the school years). The GWU was politically identified with the Labour Party (Malta) as the trade union is the major left-wing trade union in Malta. The two were statutorily fused from 1978 to 1992 GWU - The 8 Sections of the Union covering most sectors of the economy are: Government and Public Entities; Professionals Finance and Services; Chemical and Energy; Manufacturing; Hospitality and Foods; Maritime and Aviation; Metal and Construction, Technology Electronics and Communications. CMTU confederation includes - It includes a cross section of large and smaller trade unions namely the Union Haddiema Maghqudin, the Malta Union of Bank Employees, Lotto Receivers Union, Chamber of Pharmacists, Medical Association of Malta, Union Haddiema Universita ta' Malta, Malta Union of Professional Psychologists. Non Affiliated Trade Unions

10 Multinationals presence in Malta - data as at 2009

11 The General Workers’ Union
Set-up in 1943 Grew over the years to cover most areas of the labour market Organised in Sections with autonomy to act as unions Democratic Structure Exclusively affiliated internationally to all sectors Largest, Strongest, & Best Union

12 Note: No section to date as yet for the Commerce Sector
GWU sections Energy, Chemical and Printing; Manufacturing and SMEs; Maritime and Aviation; Metal and Construction; Hospitality and Food; Public Sector; Professionals, Finance & Services Section; Technology, Electronics and Communication; Note: No section to date as yet for the Commerce Sector

13 Associations & Groups Pensioners Youth Health & Safety Women

14 Professionals, Finance & Services Section
Banking & Finance Services Sector Security Services Sector Media & Arts Sector Professional Services Sector Banking & Finance Member penetration BOV Employees Committee Central Bank Employees Committee HSBC Employees Committee Establishment in APS and Lombard Joint initiatives and sector meetings

15 Are there any specific ways in which you try to attract young workers in trade unions?
When do employees need you most? When they start the job hunting exercise to seek a role in society. They need to know their rights by law to avoid being abused with inhuman working conditions. They need to know what is theirs by right. When they start working in their new job and needless to say when they face an issue at work or are effected with an unjust management decision. Needless to say that workers will seek you help when they are unjustly penalised not to mention dismissal. The union must educate young people that they can find a helping hand by seeking the support of a union. Shop stewards (due to their regular management meeting and the relative exposure / experience accumulated) develop negotiation skills and sometime even manage to build a rapport with HR decision makers thus incidents and the subsequent repercussions sometime can be reduced, whilst the collective negotiation guarantees a better chance for all employees to secure a fair share in the business sucess which is then liquidated in benefits (be it cash or non cash value) to all employees.

16 GWU Youths EDUCATE & INFORM Tomorrow’s Society The Answer is simple
General Workers' Union Youths (GWUY) offers advantageous membership schemes to post-secondary and tertiary level students. During the last 12 months GWUY managed to attract a total of more than 1200 new members from the University of Malta and the Maltese College for Science and Technology (MCAST). GWUY is now planning to kick off new membership campaigns within other educational institutions. The scope of this scheme is to make young students aware of the personal and collective services being provided by our trade union. The latter makes it easier for the General Workers' Union to subscribe them as full members once they start to form part of the labour market.

17 Are there any specific ways in which you try to attract young workers in trade unions? Innovative
Keep in contact with members using fresh communication solutions be it : Online website portal specifically designed for the younger generation – Not to mention the mail shots and phone calls made to answer student queries Launched a leaflet under the name of SMS Youths’ (issued every 4 months) highlighting the work of the GWU Youths and general issues directly effecting the youths.

18 Are there any specific ways in which you try to attract young workers in trade unions? Informative
Organised a fresher's week at the University of Malta , informing youths on issues that they should be on the lookout whilst working for their employer We are to ensure that our youth students are prepared for their future when they would integrate as contributors in the working society. This would also help us to ascertain that youths understand better the benefits and reasons why employees should be members in a union.

19 Shop stewards play leading role as employees’ representatives
how do you build new organisations and how you organise new members in existing organisations; Employees’ Representatives Shop stewards play leading role as employees’ representatives Due to their proximity they enjoy great loyalty from co-workers Bargaining at enterprise level enables union officials to keep close to grassroots level Building of an informal network using union members

20 Company level Representation
Collective Bargaining Individual Contracts Disciplinary Assistance Enforcement of rights arising from law, contract & termination of employment.

21 Services Advise from Union official Advise from Union legal aide
Participation in structures Membership Discount Scheme Participation in Education & International

22 Legal Aide Assistance in Tribunal Assistance in disputes
General advice

23 Carrying out detailed research on the commerce sector
how do you build new organisations and how you organise new members in existing organisations; Conclusion – Moving forward in tapping the Commerce sector Carrying out detailed research on the commerce sector Market players in this sector include: Lidl, Pavi, Smart, Chain (local supermarkets) & other Village core small supermarkets including very small shops Appointment of organisers Group meetings with the staff employed in the commerce sector Management meetings

24 A success story by GWU in the commerce sector is yet to be written!!

25 Major obstacles

26 Major obstacles

27 Solutions Up to here

28 Solutions Up to here

29 Working together

30 Thank You!

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