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Syntax (1).

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1 Syntax (1)

2 Syntax The syntax of a programming language is a precise description of all its grammatically correct programs. Levels of syntax Lexical syntax Concrete syntax Abstract syntax

3 Levels of Syntax Lexical syntax Concrete syntax Abstract syntax
all the basic symbols of the language (names, values, operators, etc.) Concrete syntax rules for writing expressions, statements and programs. Abstract syntax internal representation of the program, favouring content over form.

4 Grammars A metalanguage is a language used to define other languages.
A grammar is a metalanguage used to define the syntax of a language. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) version of a context-free grammar

5 BNF Grammar Set of terminal symbols: T Set of nonterminal symbols: N
Set of productions: P Start symbol: S N

6 Example: Binary Digits
Consider the grammar: binaryDigit  0 binaryDigit  1 or equivalently: binaryDigit  0 | 1 Here, | is a metacharacter that separates alternatives.

7 Derivations A grammar for integers:
Integer  Digit | Integer Digit Digit  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 How we can derive any unsigned integer, like 352, from this grammar?

8 Driving the Integer “352” using Integers Grammar
Integer  Integer Digit  Integer 2  Integer Digit 2  Integer 5 2  Digit 5 2  3 5 2 Integer  Integer Digit  Integer Digit Digit  Digit Digit Digit  3 Digit Digit  3 5 Digit  3 5 2 rightmost derivation leftmost derivation

9 Parse Trees A parse tree is a graphical representation of a derivation. Each internal node of the tree corresponds to a step in the derivation. Each child of a node represents a right-hand side of a production. Each leaf node represents a symbol of the derived string, reading from left to right.

10 Example: The step Integer  Integer Digit
appears in the parse tree as: Integer Digit

11 Example: Parse Tree for “352” as an Integer
Integer  Digit | Integer Digit Digit  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

12 Arithmetic Expression Grammar
The following grammar defines the language of arithmetic expressions with 1-digit integers, addition, and subtraction. Example : Parse of the String 5-4+3 Expr  Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term Term  0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )

13 Example: Parse of the String 5-4+3
Expr  Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term Term  0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )

14 Precedence A grammar can be used to define and precedence among the operators in an expression. * and / have higher precedence than + and -. Example: expr → expr + term | expr – term | term term → term * factor | term \ factor | term % factor |factor factor → digit | (expr) digit → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

15 Associativity A grammar can be used to define associativity among the operators in an expression. + and - are left-associative operators Example: Parse of 4**2**3+5*6+7 Expr → Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term Term → Term * Factor | Term / Factor |Term % Factor | Factor Factor → Primary ** Factor | Primary Primary → 0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )

16 Example Parse of 4**2**3+5*6+7
Expr → Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term Term → Term * Factor | Term / Factor | Term % Factor | Factor Factor → Primary ** Factor | Primary Primary → 0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )

17 Ambiguous Grammars A grammar can have more than one parse tree.
Consider next grammar Example: Draw all a parse tree of (9-5+2) using previous grammar string → string + string | string – string |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

18 ( 9 – 5 ) + 2 9 - ( ) string 9 5 2 - + string 2 5 9 + -

19 Another Example: The Dangling Else
With which ‘if’ does the following ‘else’ associate if (x < 0) if (y < 0) y = y - 1; else y = 0;

20 If statement Grammar IfStatement → if ( Expression ) Statement
| if ( Expression ) Statement else Statement Statement → Assignment | IfStatement | Block Block → { Statements } Statements → Statements Statement | Statement

21 The Dangling Else Ambiguity

22 C and C++ Solution to dangling else ambiguity
Associate each else with closest if Use { } to override

23 Extended BNF (EBNF) Additional metacharacters Braces { }
zero or more occurrences of the symbols that are enclosed within braces. Parentheses ( ) Enclose a series of alternatives from which one must be chosen Brackets [ ] for an optional list; pick none or one

24 EBNF Example BNE EBNE A → x { y } z A → x A' z A' → | y A'
Expr → Expr + Term | Expr – Term| Term EBNE Expr → Term {(+ | -) Term} A → x { y } z A → x A' z A' → | y A'

25 Syntax Diagram A version of EBNE Example: Expr → Term {(+ | -) Term}

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