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Rapportage Mei 2014 Proposal for the external interim and final evaluation of the BENCH-CAN project Presentation Berenschot, 3rd BenchCan Core Group meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Rapportage Mei 2014 Proposal for the external interim and final evaluation of the BENCH-CAN project Presentation Berenschot, 3rd BenchCan Core Group meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rapportage Mei 2014 Proposal for the external interim and final evaluation of the BENCH-CAN project Presentation Berenschot, 3rd BenchCan Core Group meeting Brussels, May 14th 2014

2 Contents Our understanding of the BenchCan project Why Berenschot?
Evaluation methodology Inception phase Planning Our team

3 Our understanding of the BenchCan project
Is a collaboration of 6 associated European partners and one lead partner (OECI) Aim: to benchmark comprehensive cancer care and yield best practice examples in a way that contributes to improving the quality of interdisciplinary patient treatment. 6 specific objectives (summary): to collect, compare and align by consensus formation the standards, recommendations and accreditation criteria of comprehensive cancer care in selected European countries. To introduce a compatible benchmarking tool, to maximise knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices. To ensure the sustainability and longer-term benefits of the project. Co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union, as part of the Grant Agreement and the project risk management, an external evaluation of the project is demanded.

4 Our understanding of the BenchCan project (2)
External evaluation is needed: As part of the Grant Agreement In addition to internal evaluations In close collaboration with the executive partners Goals of the external evaluation: Mainly the same as the internal evaluation External and objective assessment of the proceedings Suggest possible improvements along the way We consider the assignment as a qualitative review NOT: evaluation of the benchmarking methods Demands by means of time, involvement and input must be kept realistic

5 Why Berenschot? Berenschot: Independent Dutch consultancy firm with a strong international outlook and over more than 75 years of experience. Executed more than 500 projects worldwide, in over 40 countries in both the public and private sector Four main reasons: Experience with evaluations: evaluation of government programmes and policy instruments, for example the Dutch Trade Board and the ORET programme International experience: extensive track record when it comes to EU-programmes and –projects. We also have offices in Belgium, Ghana, South-Africa, Curacao and Brazil Experience with the medical sector: nationally, projects commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Health and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Internationally we realise a new hospital in Willemstad, Curacao and perform a feasibility study to restructure the primary health care in a region of Indonesia Medical experts: we employ several medical experts, from health economists to organisational advisors in the health care sector, to medical doctors who know the healthcare sector from the inside

6 Evaluation methodology
Our approach consists of four phases: Inception phase: phase of orientation in which we match the expectations of our counterparts with the approach that we suggest, making full use of the expertise and experience of our counterparts. Deliverable: External Evaluation Plan Field work phase: collection of information, attending Core group meetings. Interviews with all the project partners by telephone or by means of teleconference technology will be conducted in this phase, as well as document studies to assess the proceedings of the project. Deliverable: Answers to research questions Draft reporting phase: we will present and share our preliminary results with our principal and will discuss any possible adjustments and additions. Input from this phase will be used in the next phase. Deliverable: Preliminary report Final reporting phase: the draft final report will be presented to our principal and will be circulated among the core partners for feedback one month before finalising the report. The input from the core partners will be assimilated in the final version of the report, that will be submitted to the Lead partner, HCN and NKI. Deliverable: Final report

7 Inception phase Starts today
Needed to match the external evaluation with the criteria of the Core Group To ensure a successful, usable and workable report To be determined: Concrete research questions Research methods (desk research, interviews, survey, workshop) Planning

8 Planning Preliminary Interim report planning
Preliminary Final report planning

9 Our team The evaluations will be conducted by a core team of 2 international senior experts: Marjolein Lem (1980), has a master’s (MA) in International Relations and a bachelor’s (BA) in International economics. She is working as a senior consultant with Berenschot since Marjolein has extensive experience with the evaluation of publicly financed programmes Adriaan Kraal (1979), is a medical doctor (MD), working as a consultant with Berenschot since His passion is to use his medical knowledge in healthcare related projects and to bridge gaps between healthcare and other domains.

Contact information Adriaan Kraal (Senior consultant) E: T: + 31 (0) Mobile: + 31 (0)

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