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School House Rock

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1 School House Rock

2 the people rule democracy Democracy Republic From Greek:
Demos (the people) + Kratia (power) = the people rule Democracy Republic Shutterstock ID: Sheep ; Alpaca

3 “People” – What did the Founders mean?

4 The Ideal: “We the People” govern ourselves
RIGHTS Sovereign Private Rulers! Ruled Government DUTIES Accountable Public Paper doll circle - Shutterstock ID: Wolf - ID:

5 Framework: Constitution & Bill of Rights
Paper doll circle – Shutterstock ID: Checks & Balances Legislative Congress Executive President & agencies Judiciary Supreme Court

6 Timeline of Rights, Powers & Privileges
amendment formal rule change PEOPLE! (Congress) 1 act a bill passed into law by government Congress & President 2 internal threat: weakness in a system that can destroy it POCLAD: Supreme Court vector – Shutterstock ID: lawsuit court decides how to interpret the law Courts 3

7 1789–1791: Founding documents What’s next? “A Republic, madam,
if you can keep it.” ~ Benjamin Franklin 1789 What’s next? We think that people without legal rights will: And that people with legal rights will: 5 generations of slaves Family photo - Shutterstock ID:

8 Of kings & corporations
A group of persons with a legal license or charter to do business Exploit the new world Collect taxes Pass laws Raise armies Shutterstock ID: King ; tea party vector National Portrait Gallery, London

9 How to control corporations?
RIGHTS “We the People” Founders dilemma: How to control corporations? Corporate Contract Government DUTIES Public service Rules! No politics Rules! Expiry date Wolf - ID: Shutterstock ID: grocer , baker , cobbler Rules! Cancel charter Follow the rules!

10 √ Person(s) 25 People 7 Citizen 8 African Americans 0 Women 0
Corporation 0 Cartoon: Permission from Wuerker “artificial person”

11 1803 Concept of “judicial review” Supreme Court is supreme
QUESTION: What happens when an Act of Congress conflicts with the U.S. Constitution? Legislative Executive Judiciary Supreme Court is supreme Marbury v. Madison 1803 Supreme Court vector - Shutterstock ID:

12 1819 Corporations gain “standing” in the Constitution
Question: Could a state legislature interfere with a charter? In the absence of royal rule, contracts rule! Dartmouth v. Woodward 1819 Supreme Court vector - Shutterstock ID:

13 1800–1820: Balance of power shifts
“This country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, then by corruption, its necessary consequence. The engine of consolidation will be the federal judiciary, the other two branches the corrupting and corrupted instruments.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1821 What’s next? We think that the Supreme Court will and that corporations will .

14 1820–1880s: Clash of values Shutterstock ID: Abolitionists , Civil War soldiers , textile mill worker , Suffragists

15 Civil War Amendments & Acts
13th Reconstruction era, free in swamp Shutterstock ID: Reconstruction era, prison labor, Library of Congress ID: det4a10700v 14th 15th Civil Rights Acts

16 Courts: Who or what is a “person”?
14th Amendment: “… nor shall any State… deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws.” Persons Corporations 19 Cases 288 Cases Cartoon, robber baron –

17 The court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the … 14th Amendment... equal protection of the laws, applies to these corporations. We are all of opinion that it does. ~ Justice Morrison Waite 14th Artificial persons have equal protection to real people Supreme Court - Shutterstock ID: Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad 1886

18 RIGHTS DUTIES “We the People” Government Sovereign Private Accountable
Paper doll circle – Shutterstock ID: Wolf - ID: Accountable Public


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