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Santa Clara County Probation Department

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1 Santa Clara County Probation Department
2017 Policy and Procedures related to Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

2 Legislative Framework
In 2014, SB 855 amended the Welfare and Institutions Code to include: commercially sexually exploited children whose parents or guardians failed or were unable to protect them may fall within the description of section 300(b)(2) and be adjudged as dependents of the juvenile court. and a state-funded County CSEC Program. County of Santa Clara opted into this program. two primary requirements of the program 1) Development of an inter-agency protocol developed by representatives from Child Welfare, Probation, Mental Health, Public Health and Juvenile Courts; and 2) Use of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to case planning with participation from, at a minimum, representatives from Child Welfare, Probation, Mental Health, Public Health, and Substance Abuse. SB 855 1) Established provision in dependency 2) County funding for multidisciplinary protocols. Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 300(b)(2) Welf. & Inst. §  (d)(2).

3 County Protocol Screenings Assessment MDT DFCS (CANS, ER, SW, RAIC)
Identification DFCS (CANS, ER, SW, RAIC) JPD (Screening and Juvenile Services DPO’s) Behavioral Health (County operated and contractors) Public Health and Medical Professionals Screenings DFCS (All youth 10 under certain criteria) JPD (All youth 10 and under certain criteria) Behavioral Health (All youth 10 and over) Public Health (Youth 10 and over under certain criteria) LACY (youth 10 and over under certain criteria) Assessment Within 30 days of identification- Complete Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CANS CSE) assessment tool Behavioral Health Clinicians Community Based Organization (Advocates) MDT Immediate/Crisis MDT Initial MDT Ongoing MDT

4 Legislative Framework
2014 President Obama signed the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act In October of 2015, the California legislature codified the requirements of the federal law in SB 794; these requirements apply to all counties in California for Probation Departments and Child Welfare Departments to develop and implement CSEC policies and procedures that incorporate the following Identify children who are receiving child welfare services who are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of commercial sexual exploitation; Document these children in the Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) Determine appropriate services for these children Receive relevant training about the above.

5 Probation Policies and Procedures
Identification Screening Tool (CSE-IT) Case Review Mandatory Reporting and Documentation Requirements Assessment and Case Planning MDT CANS CSE- Strength and Needs Assessment Case Planning Supervision and Services Trauma Informed Responses Services Runaway/Missing Youth Mandatory Reporting and documentation Requirement

6 Policy and Procedure Development
Holistic Approach Integrate into existing processes Integrate into general framework of Juvenile Probation services National Youth Law Center and internal Policy and Procedure Committee

7 Training 16 hour training
Mandatory for all Deputy Probation Officers in Juvenile Services Well received by staff Survivor leader involvement

8 Results Immediate results Increased understanding Trauma Informed Care

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