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10/11/17 Grab your vocab and a warm-up

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1 10/11/17 Grab your vocab and a warm-up
English 10A 10/11/17 Grab your vocab and a warm-up

2 What words from the court scene stay with you
What words from the court scene stay with you? Why do they seem important?

3 Should Anna win her case or lose it
Should Anna win her case or lose it? Use 2 facts from your list of notes taken from the court scenes and Anna’s voice-over to support your claim. Anna should win Anna should not win

4 Writer’s Notebooks October 11, 2017
- What are some social issues that you know of? Should people kneel during the national anthem (racism)? Should communities put effort into stopping or controlling the opioid epidemic? Should marijuana be legalized? Should we allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US? Should we bomb North Korea? Should citizenship be granted just because you’re born here? Should the death penalty be legalized? Should we have indentured servitude? Should the drinking age be lowered to 16? Should the smoking age be lowered to 16

5 List of local issues

6 List the local issues Unemployment Disability issues Drug use
Teen suicide Effects of broken families on kids Clothing / dress code Cliques Bullying Racism Parental neglect Religious persecution Sexual activity vs. abstinence Sexual harassment Medical expenses Cheating Sexism Sexting Putting things on facebook that don’t belong Cyberbullying Parents supervising kids

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