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environmental issues· making an impact

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Presentation on theme: "environmental issues· making an impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 environmental issues· making an impact
changing the world environmental issues· making an impact

2 changing the world... ... what does it mean?

3 whose lifestyle is better for the environment? Why?

4 ecological footprint Have you heard of ecological footprints?
what do you know about them?

5 an ecological/carbon footprint is...
... how much land we need to give us the energy and resources for our lifestyle the more energy and resources you use, the bigger your ecological/carbon footprint the bigger the footprint, the bigger the damage to the environment

6 what type of activities make big ecological footprints?

7 ecological footprint quiz

8 How big is your ecological footprint?
compare your result with others.

9 how can we reduce our ecological footprint?

10 take action! look at these ads and discuss what they mean
how is the ad with the homeless man using irony? irony uses words or images in such a way that they mean the opposite In each ad, what are people being encouraged to do or not to do? which ads do you think work well? Why? look at these ads and discuss what they mean

11 take a stand we need to protect the environment – save water, recycle, and use cars less or there is no need to care about environmental protection – the world is not in danger

12 fight for your cause! In groups design an ad or a poster on a topic you feel strongly about it can be serious (e.g. recycling, vegetarianism) or light- hearted (e.g. fashion, film) use colours and your imagination!

13 What’s your motto? do you have a personal motto ? what is it?
how do you keep yourself motivated ? describe a situation in which your motto has helped you. … tell your classmates about it

14 more issues and causes…
women’s rights racism child abuse world hunger cigarette ads media violence child labour illiteracy tourism animal rights poverty dangerous driving global warming adoption recycling drug abuse homelessness consumer society

15 a perfect world

16 globalisation

17 public consultation meeting

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