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Published byCornelius Harvey Modified over 6 years ago
Guidance to assist Parties in updating their NIP to address the new POPs
Overview of the presentation
1. Guidance for the inventory of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention 2. Guidance for the inventory of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and related chemicals 3. Guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental practices for the recycling and waste disposal of articles containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention 4. Guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental practices for the production and use of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and related chemicals 5. Guidance for the control of the import of POPs 6. Guidance for strengthening the regulatory framework to enable regular monitoring products and articles that may contain new POPs 7. Guidance on labelling of products or articles that contain new POPs or use new POPs during manufacture 8. Guidance for developing, reviewing, and updating a national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention (Updated) 9. Guidance on calculation of action plan costs for specific POPs (Updated)
What are persistent organic pollutants (POPs)?
Organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes persist in the environment for long periods capable of long-range transport bioaccumulate in human and animal tissue and biomagnify in food chains have potentially significant impacts on human health and the environment
Background Stockholm Convention (2001) aims to restrict and ultimately eliminate the production, use, release, and storage of POPs Parties to the Convention develop a national implementation plan (NIP) for meeting the obligations of the Convention Initial list of 12 POPs, 9 new chemicals added in 2009, and an additional one in 2011 Set of guidance documents developed by UNIDO and UNITAR in collaboration with SSC to support Parties in updating their NIP to address the new POPs
The new POPs Pesticides: alpha hexachlorocyclohexane, beta hexachlorocyclohexane, chlordecone, endosulfan, lindane, pentachlorobenzene Industrial chemicals: hexabromobiphenyl, hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether, pentachlorobenzene, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride, tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether Unintentional production: pentachlorobenzene
1. Guidance for the inventory of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Scope of guidance To provide Parties with directions on how to obtain information on the production (applied from industrialized countries) and use of POP-BDEs To identify sectors that still use articles containing POP-BDEs and estimate the amount in the waste management stream Main target audience Focal point responsible for coordinating the updating of the NIP Staff responsible for planning the inventory Technical staff responsible for conducting the POP-BDE inventory
1. Guidance for the inventory of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Specific objectives Obtain, review, and summarize information on the sources, distribution, use, import, and export of POP-BDEs, and on processes using POP-BDEs Gather information on materials containing (or thought to contain) POP-BDEs, their current use, recycling, storage, wastes, and disposal Assist with identifying gaps between the current and future legal and institutional framework for the control of the production, use, import, export, and disposal of POP-BDEs and materials containing POP-BDEs, and to identify potential POP-BDE-contaminated sites Provide guidance to estimate missing information required to complete the inventory Provide essential information for the scope setting and prioritization for the POPs management and development of the action plans
1. Guidance for the inventory of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Content of the guidance Inventory Guidance for POP-BDEs (Section) 1) Inventory Steps for POP-BDEs (Section 3) Former POP-BDE production and uses (Section 2) Electronics (Section 4) Transportation & end-of-life vehicles (Section 5) Other uses (Section 6) In use Recycle Waste Furniture Textiles Construction materials Contaminated sites (Section 7) Inventory report Inventory of POP-BDEs (Sections 4-7)
2. Guidance for the Inventory of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) and related Chemicals under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Background PFOS, its salts, and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF) are listed in Annex B in the Stockholm Convention, and several uses are listed as acceptable purposes or specific exemptions (Part I in Annex B) The Parties of the Convention are recommended to develop an action plan for PFOS and its related substances as a part of their updated NIP. The aim of the National Action Plans should be reduction and subsequently elimination of the use and production of PFOS and its derivates To implement the restrictions on production and use, and to reduce the impact on health and environment, the sources to the releases and exposure of PFOS have to be identified This is achieved by developing a national inventory of products and articles, production, use, and disposal of waste containing PFOS, as well as landfills, stockpiles and contaminated sites
2. Guidance for the Inventory of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) and related Chemicals under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Scope of guidance Enable Parties to establish an inventory of products and articles containing PFOS, its salts, perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS-F), and PFOS related chemicals and industrial processes using these chemicals. The national inventory is an important part of the National Implementation Plan (NIP), and gives valuable directions for the development of an National Action Plan Main target audience The focal point responsible for coordinating the process of updating the NIP, staff responsible for planning the inventory, and technical staff responsible for conducting the inventory of PFOS
2. Guidance for the Inventory of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) and related Chemicals under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Content Section 1 – Introduction to the guidance document Section 2 – Background information on PFOS, its salts, and PFOSF Section 3 – How to conduct a PFOS inventory Section 4 – Inventory of production and use of PFOS and its related substances in the industrial sector Section 5 – Inventory of products and articles containing PFOS and its related substances on the consumer market Section 6 – Inventory of fire-fighting foams, aviation hydraulic fluids, and insecticides containing PFOS and its related substances Section 7 – PFOS inventory: Waste, stockpiles, and contaminated sites
2. Guidance for the Inventory of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) and related Chemicals under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
3. Guidelines on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) for the recycling and waste disposal of articles containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Background The Convention prohibits the use of POP-BDEs, but contains a time- limited exemption for the recycling of articles that may contain POP- BDEs and the use and final disposal of articles from such recycling This requires the definition of BAP and BEP for these activities Scope of guideline To assist Parties in developing strategies for complying with the obligations under the Convention related to the recycling and waste disposal of articles and material flows that may contain POP-BDEs, and implementing the recommendations of the COP
3. Guidelines on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) for the recycling and waste disposal of articles containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Main target audience Ministries and staff responsible for developing management plans for the recycling and waste disposal of materials containing POP- BDEs and technical staff involved in their implementation Ministries and staff responsible for the import, sale, and export of secondhand articles containing or possibly containing POP-BDEs The guideline also aims to provide information for industries recycling or disposing such material streams
3. Guidelines on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) for the recycling and waste disposal of articles containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention Content and overview of the guidelines Mass flow for the relevant production and application of c-PentaBDE and c-OctaBDE and the reuse, recycling, and disposal of products containing these substances (Sections numbers are in brackets)
4. Guidelines on best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) for the production and use of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and related chemicals Background Parties that produce and/or use PFOS and related chemicals shall take into account guidance on BAT and BEP. Furthermore, in 2011, the COP adopted a decision that encourages Parties to implement recommendations on risk reduction for PFOS Scope of guidance Assist parties in developing strategies for applying BAT and BEP for the production and use of PFOS and for implementing the recommendations of the COP on risk reduction for PFOS Main target audience Staff responsible for developing management plans for the application of BAT and BEP for the production and use of PFOS and technical staff involved in their implementation
4. Guidelines on best available techniques and best environmental practices for the production and use of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and related chemicals Content Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Description of the various processes PFOS are used in and guidance on the consideration of alternatives for these processes Section 3 – General guidance, applicable principles, and descriptions of considerations that cut across multiple process categories Section 4 – Specific guidance for process categories listed in Section II of the document Section 5 – General guidance on BEP for the management of PFOS
5. Guidance for the control of the import of POPs
Background The control of the import of POPs is a contribution to the overall effort of Parties to monitor POPs within their territory and their export/import Scope of guidance Facilitate the identification of POPs that can be traded across international boundaries. The document includes guidance on applying this information towards the implementation of measures to restrict the international trade of POPs, as required by the Convention Main target audience Customs authorities to enforce regulations on the international trade of POPs, and national stakeholders, e.g. government authorities and industry, who need to understand which POPs can be traded internationally
5. Guidance for the control of the import of POPs
Content Section 1 – Overview Section 2 – Definition of terms and information on how chemical substances can be identified Section 3.1 – Stakeholders involved in the control of POPs and information on what can legally be on the market of a Party and what can be traded between Parties regarding selected POPs Section 3.2 – Different levels of customs control Section 4 – Information available in the annexes of the Guidance Document to support the control of POPs Section 5 – How to use the procedures and database for the control of legal trade and illegal trade
6. Guidance for strengthening the regulatory framework to enable regular monitoring products and articles that may contain new POPs Background Obtaining information on the presence of new POPs as substances, in products, and articles is essential for the enforcement of regulations aimed at restricting and eliminating POPs. Most countries lack of a strategy to monitor and manage (new) POPs in articles and products Most countries also lack of an infrastructure and technical capacity to monitor POPs and other hazardous chemicals in products and articles The collection of such information on a regular basis needs to be facilitated by an adequate strategy and framework
6. Guidance for strengthening the regulatory framework to enable regular monitoring products and articles that may contain new POPs Scope of guidance To assist Parties in developing a regulatory framework that can facilitate the monitoring of products and articles that contain POPs The document includes guidance on key issues to consider for the enforcement of regulations under such a framework Main target audience Policy makers responsible for developing regulations for POPs management and stakeholders involved in the implementation Authorities involved in the collection of information on new POPs
6. Guidance for strengthening the regulatory framework to enable regular monitoring products and articles that may contain new POPs Content Section 1 – Provides background/scope of guidance and the reasons to change the life cycle and regulatory frameworks of POPs Section 2 – Explains regulated POPs, POPs legally on the market, and POPs legally traded between Parties Section 3 – Describes key products and articles containing new POPs and the main stakeholders monitoring them Section 4 – Gives an overview of the different stakeholders and their role and different tools for monitoring of new POPs Section 5 – Outlines a bi-directional information system Section 6 – Gives an overview of a step–by-step approach for monitoring of new POPs in articles
7. Guidance on labelling of products or articles that contain new POPs or use new POPs during manufacture Background This factsheet should facilitate Parties’ efforts to monitor POPs within their territory and their export/import Scope of guidance Assist Parties in developing labelling schemes for products and articles that contain new POPs by enhancing the understanding of the essential elements of such schemes and their value in facilitating the management of new POPs. The factsheet includes guidance on adapting existing international labelling schemes for use specifically for the labelling of products containing new POPs Main target audience Policy makers responsible for developing regulations for the management of POPs, and authorities involved in the collection of information on new POPs
7. Guidance on labelling of products or articles that contain new POPs or use new POPs during manufacture Content Section 1 – Overview Section 2 – Systems to avoid the use of chemicals in mixtures and articles Section 3 – Labelling systems for chemicals as such and in mixtures Section 4 – Labelling systems for chemicals in articles Section 5 – Labelling system for chemicals in a national inventory Section 6 – Development of labelling systems for POPs and their implementation
8. Guidance for developing, reviewing, and updating a national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention (Updated) Background First edition prepared by the World Bank and UNEP Chemicals, and issued in 2003, as part of a project funded by the GEF and supported by UNEP Chemicals Second edition issued in May 2005, to include specific guidance relevant to the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention Third edition (2012) complements the earlier editions by addressing the review and updating of a NIP and, in particular, taking into account the need to do so due to changes in the obligations arising from amendments to the Convention in May 2009 and April 2011 to include ten new chemicals in its annexes A, B, and C. It also strengthens linkages with the Basel Convention and broader national chemicals management efforts
8. Guidance for developing, reviewing, and updating a national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention (Updated) Contents Section 1 – Gives basic background information Section 2 – Sets out general principles that help to guide the compilation of the NIP Section 3 – Sets out the basic obligation under the Stockholm Convention to develop a NIP Sections 4 to 9 – Describes the phases of the NIP development, review, and updating process, giving guidance on the objectives of each phase, the outcomes, the tasks to be undertaken, and the method applied, and summarizing available guidance material
8. Guidance for developing, reviewing, and updating a national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention (Updated) Possible NIP development, review, and updating process Phases I. Establishment of a coordinating mechanism and organization process II. Establishment of POPs inventories and assessment of national infrastructure and capacity III. Priority assessment and objective setting IV. Formulation of the NIP V. Endorsement and submission of the NIP
9. Guidance on calculation of action plan costs for specific POPs (Updated)
Background The implementation of each action plan for the Stockholm Convention typically requires a range of resources, such as personnel, facilities, equipment, services, and materials Accurate costing of action plans will greatly facilitate national implementation as well as an understanding of the true costs of implementing the Convention globally In order to facilitate a calculation of action plan costs, UNITAR, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, developed this guidance for COP4 Currently being updated to address the new POPs
9. Guidance on calculation of action plan costs for specific POPs (Updated)
Contents Section 1 – Introduces the guidance Section 2 – Outlines practical steps for costing action plans Section 3 – Summarises the major obligations for Parties under the Convention and possible activities to meet the obligations Annex 1 – Provides a “Resource Requirements Matrix” template to facilitate costing Annex 2 – Presents a series of “Stockholm Convention Obligations Decision Trees” which help to determine which obligations are relevant to a particular Party Annex 3 – Provides comprehensive guidance on action plan development for sound chemicals management
9. Guidance on calculation of action plan costs for specific POPs (Updated)
Stockholm Convention Obligations Decision Trees
Thank you! For more information, please contact: Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention 11-13, Chemin des Anémones Châtelaine, Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0) Fax: +41 (0) Website:
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