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v4-19-Release & v4-20-Release

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1 v4-19-Release & v4-20-Release
P. Hristov 29/11/2010

2 Changes: v4-19-Rev-29 #75696 AliGRPPreprocessor: fix for LTU configuration, port to the Release(s). From rev #75748 Request: Port bug fix in AliTRDrawStream to release. From rev

3 Changes: OCDB #75810 MUON OCDB objects to be ported in Full simulation OCDB #75760 OCDB object to be ported to RAW OCDB

4 Bugs #75809 ~7% job failure (seg fault/killed by batch) in RAW reconstruction Reproduced on the new test server running 3 jobs of pass0 + 1 job pass1 Under investigation

5 v4-20-Release

6 Bugs Cyclic PbPb: v4-20-Rev-04
#75857 Memory corruption in the reconstruction #75856 Floating point exception in gthadr.F:418

7 Changes: v4-20-Rev-05 #75861: port to Release AliT0QAdatMakerRec.cxx. From rev #75852 EMCAL: New sampling and galice.cuts to be ported to rel From rev ,45832 #75811 ZDC: changes to be ported to the release #75765 Requesting port to the release of ZDC code. From rev ,45719,45840 #75748 Request: Port bug fix in AliTRDrawStream to release #75695 port to Release AliT0CalibSeasonTimeShift. From rev ,45634 #75679 Request to update AliESDpid and AliTOFPIDResponse classes. From rev ,45812 #75669 Segmentation violation in the creation of simulated PMD raw

8 Changes: v4-20-Rev-05 #75672 Request to port rev (STEER/AliESDMuonTrack.*) in the release #75650 Request to port HI fix to Both the Release Urgently. From rev #75872: Request: porting of updates in the calibration code for Pass 0 and shuttle. From rev ,44730,44731,45250,45795 #75584: port in OCDB new T0 directory and calibration files. From rev

9 Requests #76063 Commit to trunk + v4-20-Release
#75985 Request to port rev45863 into release 20 (TOF trigger code update)

10 Other reports #76061 AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliMyClass,AliMyClass2", AliLog::kDebug) handled by AliAnalysis Manager

11 Other reports (30/11/10) #75835 AliAODInputHandler::Notify triggers a staging request on (A)AF #75742 AliTRDrawStreamOld:fpPos - Invalid read #75726 Fix for AliAnalysisManager for use in PROOF-Lite environment #75681 Patch for EVE/EveDet/AliEveITSScaledModule.cxx and EVE/EveBase/AliEveTrackCounterEditor.cxx #75649 Bug in V0 preprocessor #75588 AliSimulation crash when using AliGenCocktailAfterBurner

12 Other reports (22/11/10) #75422 Unreproducible crashes at FZK
Caused insufficient resources (memory) => a thread (xrootd) is killed and we have a “random” SV in AliRoot #75412 Wrong material definition in EMCAL #75401 Problem in TOF matching in TRD sector #75399 Check TRD overlaps with full/residual misalignment

13 Old slides

14 Other reports (15/11/09) #75287 ITS cluster sharing info in ESD
#75279 Robust readout of pressure sensors #75236 Request for porting new TRD Reco Params to the raw OCDB #75091 AliMUONTrackReconstructorK is bailing out (Pb+Pb reco) #75051 aliroot does not create root dependencies anymore

15 Other reports (09/11/10) #74979 Crash in online event display - ZDC
#74895 Break in GetNContributors from AODs #74885 Cannot link with ALIMDC 4.19.Rev on SLC4 32b and 64b #74858 ctp counters timestamp #74847 Missed implementations in AlidNdPt class #74935 Wring beam type in LHC file for run

16 Other reports (09/11/10) #74846 Memory leaks in ZDC reconstruction
#74845 Wrong use of beamEnergy parameter in AliZDCRecoParamPbPb::SetGlauberMCDist() ? #74813 AliTPCtrackerMI::FillESD many AliESDtrack constructors/destructors per event #74726 Filling scheme information available for offline #74719 Segmentation violation in AliTPCclusterMI::SetQ #74683 Residulas in local Y of negative and positive tracks are shifted #74658 Correction for Lorentz drift in SSD + SPD sim&rec

17 Rejected requests (HIFP)
#74741 Request to commit and port multiplicity reconstruction updates #75023 Update of HLT/Calib/StreamerInfo: incompatibility v4-19 vs v4-20 #75267 Global tracking forces some pairs of tracks to have almost the same momentum

18 Error messages & Warnings (01/11/10)
#74529 Vertexing in PbPb: Do we loose the vertex here ? #74528 TRD in PbPb: do we loose tracks here ? #74520 Error message in Cascade reconstruction PbPb #74519 Error message from AliITStrackMI in PbPb reconstruction #74502 Error in T0 reconstruction #74501 Index out of bound in PbPb reconstruction TPC #74499 Error message during TOF reconstruction

19 Other reports (01/11/10) #74663 Please Apply attached patch ESDCheck/AliFMDQATask.cxx #74658 Correction for Lorentz drift in SSD + SPD sim&rec #74588 Crash when simulating PbPb (mismatch pp - PbPb?) #74498 Many false positive warnings with the current rule checker version #74455 AliGenBox #74438 Crash when using ConfigJetAnalysisFastJet.C #74411 Implement the 'mu' value calculation in AliRoot #74403 Memory leak in MUON

20 Other reports (25/10/10) #74375 Worrying message when reading GRP
#74373 Crash in HLT simulation of PbPb events #74372 Worrying message in HLT during PbPb simulation #74371 Worrying message reading simulated raw in PbPb collisions #74370 Worrying message from TRD trigger simulation #74368 Worrying message from TOF in simulation #74367 Worrying message from ITS in simulation #74366 Worrying message from ITS in reconstruction #74365 Worrying message in PbPb reco of EMCAL

21 Other reports (25/10/10) #74364 Worrying message in PbPb reco of MUON
#74286 Memory AliITStrackerMI.cxx:531 #74269 Many particles produced with Therminator are decayed twice #74184 Add number of points used for dE/dx in TPC to AliAODpid

22 Other reports (25/10/10) #74167 Add isMC switch to AliAODpidUtil
#74160 PWG1 QA task for HMPID

23 Other reports 18/10/10 #73932 Automatic adjustment of the clock shift
#74046 Request to commit new version of AliESDtrack #74077 Loading of libs with AliEn plugin in proof mode #74088 SPD Mean Vertex validity from GRP preprocessor #74102 update of test/PbPbbench

24 Other reports (11/10/10) #73704 Streamline the CAF reconstruction in case of user-defined input raw-data collections #73666 Fixes to EVE/alice-macros/muon_clusters.C #73665 Fix to alieve_online.C #73656 Memory leak in AliTPCParam #73624 Undefined problem with mixing tracklets

25 Other report (05/10/10) #73538 TPC online and offline drift velocity calibration #73432 EMCAL: Improvements for next productions #73427 ULong_t and Long_t are not portable #73417 Segvio reading ESD friends #73348 AliAnalysisTagAnalysis not compatible with Tag files

26 Other reports (27/09/10) #73204 Ship the ITS mean vertex to the DCS and the machine #72907 Call to multiView->InitGeomGentleMuon(gmuon, kFALSE, kTRUE); causes SIGSEGV #72834 Request to extend AliPID::EParticleType to include light nuclei #73203 Mean-vertex DA for HI run #73198 HIJING Simulation crashes in destructor of AliGenHijingEventHeader #73115 Floating point exception in hijing #72965 New AliESDCaloTrigger + associated modifs in AliESDEvent

27 Other reports (20/09/10) #72723 Warning from HLT memory manager
#72662 ZDC code needs changes in STEER to work in HLT module #72632 AliESDHeader contains misleading/wrong information #72627 Problems in MC reco. from raw data #72621 Suggestion for an extra protection in AliQADataMaker::Add2List

28 Other reports (13/09/10) #72388 Analysis tender is called after phys sel task #72470 Memory leak in AliESDTagCreator::CreateESDTags #72561 Simulation crash with rev (change of AliGenHijing::fHeader)

29 Other reports (06/09/10) #72254 Introduce V0 Offline Trigger bits in the tags #72317 Enable the compression of raw data #72222 Memory leak in AliCaloCalibPedestal.cxx:58 #72189 Memory AliTRDtrackV1.cxx:807 #72164 Produce tags from RCT and merge with those created by reco #72162 Reactivate CAF reconstruction #72161 LTU config in OCDB

30 Other reports (06/09/10) #72159 Assign a Savannah to each detector to use raw OCDB in Simu #72156 QA information into the run coordination table #72152 Add merging of reco QA and tags in PWG1 #72148 Recuperate thresholds for DQM into SHUTTLE

31 Other reports (31/08/10) #71979 fix AliITStrackV2::Improve()
#71952 versus

32 Other reports (23/08/10) #71709 There was a crash (kSigFloatingException) when do a test in ppbench #71730 Delete output object in destructor of AliAnalysisTask

33 Other reports (17/08/10) #71359 Reconstruction for only HLT fails,
#71331 Improper use of TClonesArray in HLT for PbPbbench reconstruction - AliHLTMUONRecHit::AliChannel #71291 Warning in Raw2SDigits for PHOS may indicate a problem

34 Other reports (09/08/10) #71207 Alien plugin : SetAdditionalLibs + EnablePackage #71162 Alien plugin: problems with tags #71073 Relative path for 'include' in dependency files #71058 AliESDtrack label out of bounds #71034 Improper use of TClonesArray in HLT for pp reconstruction - AliHLTDomainEntry/AliHLTTriggerDecision #70989 GRP failing due to LHC Clock Phase issue

35 Other reports (02/08/10) #70771 Crash in Analysis in PbPbbench
#70739 Correct LHC clock phase treatment necessary

36 Other reports (27/07/10) #70389 Handling of Spectators has changed in HIJING after the updates for 1.38 #70424 Filling scheme info in the ESD/AOD #70433 Extension of AliPhysicsSelection to support new online trigger classes (with/without TRD pretrigger) #70437 Bad TPC raw-data reading on raw->sdigits #70461 Problem using Raw2SDigit for TRD on real data #70498 TPC simulation crashes in ppbench #70581 AliSimulation::Raw2SDigit for FMD on real raw data crashes #70582 AliSimulation::Raw2SDigit for HMPID on real raw data errors in decoding

37 Other reports (27/07/10) #70587 AliSimulation::Raw2SDigit for ITS has huge memory leak (and crashes) #70613 Shuttle freezes during communication with AliEn #70639 AliSimulation:Raw2SDigits for EMCAL is not implemented? #70665 Background estimation in physics selection to be updated #70674 AliSimulation:Raw2SDigits for T0 is not implemented?

38 General status Need to freeze v4-19-Release for the coming PbPb collisions Outstanding issues: low success rate (95% in pp, ~50% in cent1 PbPb) Memory consumption CPU consumption Reconstruction of RAW data with many PbPb events: not tested Several commits still needed, see the requests on the next page Proposed solution Run MC for 1000 central PbPb with every new tag (already done, see LHC10f8*). Store all files; store also everything from the failing jobs Run QA macros on the successfully produced events Discuss the results at QA and FHIP meetings and fix the issues Important condition Participation of the FHIP members in the weekly offline meeting

39 Coverity Good response in general
Still adding new defects while fixing the old ones

40 CPU: PbPb simulation

41 CPU: PbPb reconstruction

42 Memory: PbPb MC production

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