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Hard-Part Anatomy Name that Invert More Hard Parts

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Presentation on theme: "Hard-Part Anatomy Name that Invert More Hard Parts"— Presentation transcript:

1 100 200 300 400 500 Hard-Part Anatomy Name that Invert More Hard Parts
Stratigraphic Range What Am I? Potluck 100 200 300 400 500

2 Hard Parts: 100 What is a septum? (What are septa?)

3 Hard Parts: 200 What is heterodont dentition?

4 Hard Parts: 300 What is the apex?

5 Hard Parts: 400 What is a mamelon?

6 Hard Parts: 500 What is a pedicle foramen?

7 Name that Invert: 100 Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda
Subclass Prosobranchia Order Caenogastropoda

8 Name that Invert: 200 Phylum Mollusca Class Bivalvia
Subclass Isofilibranchia Order Mytiloida

9 Name that Invert: 300 Phylum Bryozoa Class Gymnolaemata

10 Name that Invert: 400 Phylum Cnidaria Class Anthozoa
Subclass Zooantharia Order Tabulata Suborder Halysitina

11 Name that Invert: 500 Phylum Brachiopoda Subphylum Rhynchonelliformea
Class Strophomenata Order Productida

12 More Hard Parts: 100 Entire bryozoan colony What is a zoarium?

13 More Hard Parts: 200 The deep posterior indentation associated with the siphons of this bivalved organism. What is a pallial sinus?

14 More Hard Parts: 300 A polyp of this radial symmetrical group lives in this part of the corallum. What is a corallite?

15 More Hard Parts: 400 The intricate canal system of some sponges receives the highest grade. What is leucon?

16 More Hard Parts: 500 The large triangular opening at the posterior end of this clam look alike. What is a delthyrium?

17 Stratigraphic Range: 100 Middle Ordovician – Permian

18 Stratigraphic Range: 200 First appearance of this type of coral.
What is Middle Triassic?

19 Stratigraphic Range: 300 What is the Cretaceous ?
The geologic time period this group made its first appearance. What is the Cretaceous ?

20 Stratigraphic Range: 400 This bivalve is known only from two geologic periods. What is Jurassic through Cretaceous?

21 Stratigraphic Range: 500 Early Ordovician – Triassic

22 What Am I?: 100 Phylum Cnidaria Class Anthozoa Subclass Zoantharia
Order Rugosa

23 What Am I?: 200 Phylum Mollusca Class Bivalvia Subclass Pteriomorphia
Order Pterioida

24 What Am I?: 300 Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda
Subclass Prosobranchia – a platycerid gastropod

25 What Am I?: 400 Phylum Bryozoa Class Stenolaemata

26 What Am I?: 500 SiO2 Phylum Porifera Class Hexactinellida

27 Potluck: 100 Name the fossil. What is Order Fenestrata?

28 Potluck: 200 Name the feature. What are adductor muscle scars?

29 Potluck: 300 What is the astrophic?
Name the type of hinge of the brachiopod. What is the astrophic?

30 Potluck: 400 DAILY DOUBLE Name the hard part. What is spicule?

31 Potluck: 500 Name the feature. What is brachidium?

32 FINAL JEOPARDY Name the Fossil

33 Name the Fossil Phylum Porifera incertae sedis archaeocyanthid

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