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Why Biological Evolution Makes No Sense

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1 Why Biological Evolution Makes No Sense

2 Lord, open our minds and hearts to hear the truth.

3 Biological Evolution is not Science
Simply stated, science deals with things that are observable, repeatable, and testable. Science looks for empirical evidence, verifies it through further testing, and analyzes the data with an open mind and without bias.

4 So What is It? Religion: noun a set of beliefs concerning the cause,  nature, and purpose of the universe, especially  when considered as the  creation of a super human agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a  moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. It is a philosophy, a belief in origins, or basically, a religion in itself. How do I know this? Let’s look at the definition of a religion. Random House Dictionary

5 Look Closely a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,  and purpose of the universe,  THAT FITS. BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION SEEKS TO EXPLAIN THE ORIGINS OF LIFE especially when considered as the creation of a super human agency or agencies They claim it is natural processes, but there are no natural processes that would explain the origin of life as we know it. Therefore, it is impossible to discuss the origin of life without some supernatural occurrence. They call it the Big Bang. The Kalam argument of logic challenges it. Anything that has a beginning, has a cause. The universe had a beginning, therefore the universe had a cause. THAT WOULD BE MOTHER NATURE or (natural random cosmic accidents)

6 usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral  code governing the conduct of human affairs THERE IS A DEFINATE MORAL CODE: Live for ME, MYSELF, AND I. Since we are all just cosmic accidents, we make our own rules. Morality is subjective.

7 Biological Evolution fits the definition for religion.
True again, and they are indoctrinating children every day by teaching them the lie that Biological Evolution is scientific FACT. A body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices. Biological Evolution fits the definition for religion. More than being a religion, it is fanatical in that it continues to promote its doctrine even in the face of empirical evidence to the contrary.

8 a specific fundamental set of beliefs and  practices generally  agreed upon by a number of 
persons or sects OKAY, THAT IS TRUE. It is also true that if you are a member of the scientific community and you disagree with the concept, you better keep your mouth shut. Expelled A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signed by 500 scientists in Many have suffered a loss of their careers.

9 More Evidence that Biological Evolution is not a scientific fact?
Biological Evolution is in direct opposition to many scientific laws and principles.

The Law of Biogenesis LIFE COMES ONLY FROM LIFE!

11 But life only comes from life as stated by the law of biogenesis.
Ask… Where did the first living organism come from? Primordial Soup? But life only comes from life as stated by the law of biogenesis.

12 Definition of Biogenesis
Spontaneous generation (the emergence of life from nonliving matter) has never been observed. All observations have shown that life comes only from life. This has been observed so consistently it is called the law of biogenesis. The theory of evolution conflicts with this scientific law when claiming that life came from nonliving matter through natural processes. SO HOW DO EVOLUTIONISTS GET AROUND THIS PROBLEM?

13 Spontaneous Generation
In 1864 Louis Pasteur conducted a series of clever experiments that destroyed every argument supporting “spontaneous generation.” It was through these experiments that Pasteur proved that all life comes from preexisting life.

14 THEY SAY: “There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules. “Apr 24, 2000 WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH THAT STATEMENT? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PRIMITIVE LIFE? WE NOW KNOW THAT EVEN THE SMALLEST LIVING BACTERIA IS EXTREMELY COMPLEX.

The Primordial Soup theory states that in the beginning there was no oxygen, but there were bubbling ponds of chemicals and an atmosphere of methane, hydrogen, water vapor, and ammonia. However, when these chemicals are mixed, they contain elements carbon and nitrogen, which can make amino acids if they are arranged right.

16 What we know: There is no evidence of a primordial soup.
Methane, hydrogen, water vapor, and ammonia do not produce carbon and nitrogen. Miller’s experiment to produce amino acids is no longer accepted because it does not produce amino acids under these circumstances. Any amino acids that would be produced are immediately destroyed by the poisonous chemicals present. Having an amino acid is like holding a bolt. It is a far cry from a Mercedes Benz.

17 Jonathan Wells Ph.D. Evolutionary scientists now state that the early atmosphere could not have been these chemicals, and that some oxygen would have been present. If that is so, then a spark of lightning would not produce amino acids; it would produce an explosion.

18 ASK: If I told you that a box of random computer parts put themselves together and then plugged themselves in and programed themselves would you believe me? A cell is far more complex than the most complex computer. It is intricately organized, programmed with a far more complex code, and on top of that, it is alive.

19 How Else is Biological Evolution Inconsistent with Science?
Biological Evolution clearly establishes that simple organisms evolved through a series of natural random mutations into more complex organisms. WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH THAT? There is no such thing as a simple organism?

20 The Not-So-Simple Cell

21 DNA: The Program of the cell
How complex is DNA? From an article that celebrated Watson and Crick: “The article wafts the perfume of awe over DNA’s stability, flexible structure and method of transcription, to say nothing of its phenomenal information storage capacity: two petabytes per gram, enough for three million CD’s.” Evolution News : Discovery CSC April 30, 2013

22 ASK: Where did the information come from?
In order for Evolution to take place, more information must be added to simpler organisms to get more complex organisms. Neo-Darwinism states that mutations along with natural selection are the process that provides for Macro-Evolution (changing from one species into another species).

23 Neo-Darwinism does not provide more genetic information.
Mutations reduce the genetic information, therefore mutations cannot account for increased genetic information necessary for biological evolution. Mutations create mutants that usually don’t survive.


25 So if mutations can’t account for Evolution, what can?
Evolutionists have no answer. They continue saying that it must be mutations even though they know that mutations cannot provide an adequate explanation for their theory. They continue to fill biology books with this fallacy and say that although the concept is false, the theory is correct.

As a matter of fact, there are organic machines that prove Darwin’s theory is wrong. Remember, Darwin thought that cells were simple protoplasm (jelly). Natural Selection is simply survival of the fittest. Those organisms that are best suited to survival will reproduce. This does not explain Evolution.

27 Irreducible Complexity

28 Dr. Michael Behe We have complex biological machines that need all their parts to function, so they could not evolve. The Flagellum

29 Diagram of an Eye


31 If it looks designed from every scientific aspect explored, it must be designed.
Designed by a team of technicians Designed by God

32 What does the fossil record show us?
Darwin said we should find trillions of intermediary forms in the fossil record. THERE IS NOT EVEN ONE!

33 Evolution says that we should find layers of intermediary species in the strata.
What we actually find is the sudden appearance of all the major phyla without any intermediary species. Since this is opposite of what Evolution says should be there, they give it a name that sounds like Evolution. They call it the Cambrian Explosion.

34 That Means that the Fossil Record supports Creation
If Creation is true we should find the sudden appearance of all the types of organisms. We do. If Creation is true, we should find evidence of the flood. We do. The fossil fuels and land forms point to a catastrophic flood. If Creation is true, we should see variations in genetic codes. We do. If Creation is true, we are responsible to the loving God who created us.

35 Biological Evolution: Scientifically Impossible

36 Lot’s More, but No Time Laws of Thermodynamics Cosmological Constant
Balanced on a Razor’s Edge Replication Protein Synthesis Punctuated Equilibrium Fossil Evidence Homologous Structures Mt. St. Helens and the Grand Canyon Fossil Fuels Evidence of a Catastrophic Flood Phylogenetic Tree Man’s So-called Ancestors Piltdown man, Java man, Nebraska man Neanderthal Man is fully man All others have proven to be extinct apes not in the genetic line of man



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