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ASANSOL ENGINEERING COLLEGE Kanyapur, Asansol Department of Mechanical Engineering In Association with Andal Diesel Shed (Eastern Railway) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Of West Bengal of University of Technology Project Report On ‘LIVE MODEL OF SUPERCONDUCTING MAGLEV’ Developed By: Anand Kumar ( ) Bipresh Mani ( ) Chandan Pal ( ) Dhirendra Kumar ( ) Raviranjan Kumar ( )

3 ABSTRACT We are here using Meissner effect instead of traditional electromagnetic concept to demonstrate how we can build a levitated frictionless train. We have used permanent magnets to build the track of our train and a model of train coaches consists of a superconductor. The superconductor when cooled below the critical point levitates in presence of the magnetic fields of the permanent magnets of the track. In this way our train runs some distance above the track. In that way we might be able to totally remove the problem of friction. The Superconducting Magnetic Levitation option is a very real possibility but there are limitations also which need to be addressed properly. Before any meaningful prototypes can be built there will need to be a substantial investment in research and development. We are convinced that we are on the verge of an era where creative new maglev ideas will revolutionize transportation technology.

4 INTRODUCTION India is currently using conventional rails as one of its most important transport system for passengers as well as freights. But it is becoming obsolete nowadays because of many difficulties and limitations: lower top speeds, significant guide way maintenance, maintenance schedules are based on speed or distance travelled, affected by snow, ice, severe cold, rain and high winds, experience rolling resistance, and air resistance potentially decreasing power efficiency, produce larger noise, wear and tear from friction of the wheels, equipment deterioration from hammer. In present scenario, magnetically levitated (Maglev) trains have the potential to replace the existing rail transport system. Many countries are spending a lot on the R & D work of these types of future trains. There are two types of maglev trains developed till now. They are: Transrapid - It is a German high speed monorail train. Chuo-Shinkansen - It is planned Japanese maglev train designed ultimately connect Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka.

Quantum levitation is a process where the properties of quantum physics are used to levitate an object (a superconductor) over a magnetic source. FLUX PINNING Flux pinning is a phenomenon in which the magnetic flux becomes locked or "pinned" inside a superconductor. MEISSNER EFFECT The Meissner effect is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a super conductor during its transition to the super conducting stage at or below its critical temperature. SUPERCURRENTS When a superconductor at its critical temperature is exposed to a magnetic field, supercurrents are induced within it.

6 PARAMAGNETISM Para magnetism is a form of magnetism whereby certain materials are attracted by an externally applied magnetic field and form an internal induced magnetic field in the direction of the applied magnetic fields. FERROMAGNETISM It is a basic mechanism by which certain materials form permanent magnets or attract two magnets. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Superconductivity is a phenomenon of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields occurring in certain materials when cooled below a characteristic critical temperature.


8 Here we are moving ahead with our project work.
As stated before we will be using the Meissner effect instead of traditional electromagnetic concept to demonstrate how we can build a levitated frictionless train. We will not be using any electromagnets or any other source of power to levitate our train, and to propel it. We have used permanent magnets to build the track for our train and a model of train coaches consists of a superconductor crystal. The superconductor, when cooled below the critical point, levitates in presence of the magnetic fields of the permanent magnets of the track. The reason this works is something called the Meissner effect and magnetic flux pinning.

9 Explanation of Meissner Effect:

A superconductor is an element, inter-metallic alloy, or compound that will conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature. We choose to use an YBCO crystal for our purpose. YBCO stands for “Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide”. It is good for displaying high temperature superconductivity. (Its critical temperature is at about 90K). The YBCO Crystal disc is of diameter 22mm and height 3mm.

We have used liquid nitrogen to cool our superconductor as it exists in the temperature range of 63k (freezing temperature) and 77k (boiling temperature). This enables the YBCO crystal to attain its critical temperature (about 92k) easily.

First of all, we have taken a wooden block for constructing the base of our track which is of dimension 60cm X 9cm X 5cm.

We have used permanent magnets for our track. These magnets are techtone strong magnets also known as neodymium magnet (NdFeB, NIB or Neo magnet). It is a type of rare-earth magnet. The dimension of the magnets we are using is 20mm*10mm*2mm.

14 We have used these magnets to prepare track length of about ½ m which comprised of three rows of magnets (making the width of the track 30cm). In the slot prepared in the wooden base we have arranged the magnets in three rows to construct the track for our train as shown in the figure below:

We have constructed a small model for simulating the engine of a train. It is a small model in which we have made a cavity for placing the superconductor. We have made an arrangement for pouring the liquid nitrogen in the cavity for cooling the YBCO crystal.

Materials Used: Wooden block Permanent magnets YBCO crystal (superconductor) Liquid Nitrogen (for cooling the YBCO crystal) Model of locomotive

17 Procedure Followed: First of all we took a wooden block of dimension 60cm x 9cm x 5cm and prepared a slot of dimension 510mm x 30mm x 3mm on of its faces. In that slot, we arranged permanent magnets (each 20mm x 10mm x 2mm) to prepare a track of permanent magnets about ½ m length.

18 A sheet is kept between locomotive and track prior to pouring of liquid nitrogen in the cavity.

19 Now liquid nitrogen is poured in the cavity of our model of the locomotive. Due care is taken while handling liquid nitrogen.

20 The YBCO crystal is allowed to cool for sometimes
The YBCO crystal is allowed to cool for sometimes. Now after the crystal has reached very low temperature, the sheet is removed.  The model of the locomotive was supposed to remain suspended in air above the track until the cryogenic temperature of the crystal is maintained. But here we were not able to get satisfactory results. The model of the locomotive was not able to levitate. It was becoming too heavy for the crystal to carry the load of the locomotive with the liquid nitrogen filled in it. So we tried to perform our test run with only superconductor as our locomotive.  We kept the crystal in liquid nitrogen for some times so that it can get cooled below its critical temperature. We again placed a sheet on the track to maintain some gap between the crystal and the magnets, and the placed the crystal carefully on the sheet.

21 Then we removed the sheet between crystal and the magnetic track.

22 Then we found that we were able to levitate the crystal some distance above the track.

23 We tried to propel it with a little push of our fingers (here we have used a pen instead, crystal was too cold to handle by naked hand) and we were easily able to run our crystal on the track.


25 WORKING PRINCIPLE The superconductor here YBCO crystal, when placed in the fields of the permanent magnets, gets locked exhibiting the Meissner effect or Quantum Locking. When the crystal is placed on a magnetic track, the effect is that the superconductor remains above the track, essentially being pushed away by the strong magnetic field right at the track's surface. This happens in this way:  When a superconductor at its critical temperature is exposed to a magnetic field, currents are induced within it and induce an opposing magnetic field. Due to the lack of any resistivity, the currents are able to perfectly mirror the magnetic field applied to the superconductor. The resulting magnetic force causes not only the levitation but precision control above the rail which is made up of permanent magnets. To set the locomotive in motion, we need only to give an initial impulse to it by hand. Due to lack of friction, the locomotive moves over the track continuously until the YBCO crystal warms up.

These trains do not carry equipment such as transformers and invertors making it light weight, slim and still capable of harnessing a large propulsive force. There are no current collectors and electromagnetic force levitates the vehicle, so that there are no wheels or rail adhesion problem. The superconducting magnetically levitated trains are naturally stabilised . There is no risk of derailing. The Maglev Train can become one of the fastest transport media in the whole world. It is a safe and efficient way to travel. They need insignificant guide-way maintenance. Maglev trains are not slowed or have their schedules affected by snow, ice, severe cold, and rain or high winds. Due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle, maglev trains experience no rolling resistance, leaving only air resistance and electromagnetic drag, potentially improving power efficiency. Maglev trains produce less noise than a conventional train at equivalent speeds. These trains are not only fuel efficient but also eco-friendly.

27 OBSERVATIONS We observed that a real train working on this model is possible in near future It can be observed how superconductors can be used in transport system which will not only be faster but also fuel efficient. Meissner effect or Quantum Locking can be used as a powerful tool for further development of the magnetic levitation concept. The Meissner effect and quantum locking phenomenon can be used instead of traditional electromagnetic concept to build a levitated frictionless train with no chance of derailing. It can be observed that instead of using any fuels, cryogenic liquids can be utilised efficiently in future transport system. It can also be observed that the travelling on land can be made very fast and efficient.

28 CONCLUSION Maglev is a technology that has been around for some time, but has only recently become feasible after years of development. Even now, its practicality is questionable due to its high costs. Maglevs will soon become a much faster and more reliable alternative to conventional rail; and once mankind is able to figure out the secret to flying trains.

Quantum locking will always work irrespective of physical environment. The assumptions include that the magnetic field created by the track will not affect the human beings in the train. Meissner effect and Quantum locking are sole principle on which this model works. Limitations cannot be denied. Some of which are that it only works over a strong magnetic field, meaning that we need new magnetic track roads. There is a limit to how far above the track it can be pushed, of course, since the power of the magnetic repulsion has to counteract the force of gravity. The superconductor used should attain perfect diamagnetism and should not contain any magnetic fields inside the material. If this does not happen, the levitation isn't stable.

30 SCOPE OF FUTURE WORK Magnetic levitation (maglev) can create frictionless, efficient, far-out-sounding technologies. Some of the future technologies that can be developed under these concepts are: Personal rapid transit (PRT), also called podcar, is a public transport mode featuring small automated vehicles operating on a network of specially built guide ways. High Speed Ground Transportation a family of technologies ranging from upgraded existing railroads to magnetically levitated vehicles, is a mode of transportation that can best link cities 100 to 500 miles apart. Super Speed Tube Travel Right now speeds are limited at up to 400 kilometres (250 miles) per hour due to the excessive air resistance encountered at these speeds. But in future vacuum tube designs could allow them to travel over seven times faster in the future. This is known as evacuated tube transport.


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