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GATHERING Welcome, Announcements, Prelude, Territorial Acknowledgement & Water Song Call to Worship, Opening Prayer Hymn: VU 380 “She Flies On” WORD Scripture.

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Presentation on theme: "GATHERING Welcome, Announcements, Prelude, Territorial Acknowledgement & Water Song Call to Worship, Opening Prayer Hymn: VU 380 “She Flies On” WORD Scripture."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATHERING Welcome, Announcements, Prelude, Territorial Acknowledgement & Water Song Call to Worship, Opening Prayer Hymn: VU 380 “She Flies On” WORD Scripture Readings Sermon Prayers of the People: VU 948 “O God Hear My Prayer” TABLE Invitation & Peace Presentation Hymn: “Prayer for Peace” Communion GOING FORTH Hymn: VU 510 “We Have This Ministry” Blessing & Sending Forth Does prelude go before Welcome and Announcements? If so, I have to change it in the OOS Word doc.

2 Prelude: O Virtus Sapientiae Hildegard of Bingen
sung by the TST Choir O strength of Wisdom, which circles and encompasses everything in one life-giving path. You have three wings: one soaring high into heaven, one sweeping the earth, and the other fluttering everywhere. Praise to you, as is fitting, O Wisdom! Territorial Acknowledgement Victoria University, 2016 Water Song . . . a candle is lit silence . . .

3 Call to Worship Opening Prayer Sophia God, we long for the day when we will find ourselves inside your city. There all your people will experience justice, peace and fullness of life regardless of their gender identity, race, age, sexuality, class or ability; . . .

4 There, all of us called to ministry will be supported in the work
that you have prepared them for. Until then, as we journey toward home, guide and protect your holy catholic church: be our unity, truth, and peace. We pray in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen. From She Flies on: A Liturgy Inspired by Lydia Gruchy, Celebrating Women in Ministry. Alydia Smith, & HyeRan Kim-Cragg,

5 *please rise as you are able HYMN: VU 380 “She Flies On”

6 WORD Philippians 4:1-9 Hear what the Spirit is saying to us
WORD Philippians 4:1-9 Hear what the Spirit is saying to us. Thanks be to God. Psalm 23: by Bobby McFerrin TST Choir Exodus 32:1-14

7 Sermon . . . silent reflection . . .

8 Prayers of the People Sung Response: VU 948 O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer; when I call answer me. come and listen to me.

9 TABLE Invitation & Peace: The peace of Christ, who unites us in love, be with you all. And also with you.

10 1. Peace before us, peace behind us, peace under our feet.
Presentation Hymn: “Prayer for Peace” by David Haas (based on a Navaho prayer) 1. Peace before us, peace behind us, peace under our feet.  Peace within us, peace over us, let all around us be peace. 2. Love before us, love behind us, love under our feet.  Love within us, love over us, let all around us be love

11 3. Light before us, light behind us, light under our feet
3. Light before us, light behind us, light under our feet. light within us, light over us, let all around us be light. 4. Christ before us, Christ behind us, Christ under our feet. Christ within us, Christ over us, let all around us be Christ

12 5. Alleluia. 6. Peace before us, peace behind us, peace under our feet
5. Alleluia Peace before us, peace behind us, peace under our feet. Peace within us, peace over us, let all around us be peace.

13 The Spirit of God be with you. And also with you.
Turn to God, the source of life. We lift our hearts in prayer. Let us give thanks. We offer joyful thanks to God.

14 . . .

15 . . .


17 Memorial Acclamation: Christ has died. Christ is risen
Memorial Acclamation: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

18 Praise be to God, the Source of love
Praise be to God, the Source of love! Praise be to Christ, Love incarnate! Praise be to the Spirit, Love’s power! Praise be to God!

19 Our Mother, whose body is the Earth, blessed are you,
and blessed are all the fruits of your womb. You give us this day our daily bread, and we share it with others. we love you with all our hearts, And our neighbors as ourselves. Amen Our Mother Whose Body Is the Earth (Carol P. Christ, Based on Jesus’ Prayer)

20 Communion Self-administered communion: please take a piece of bread and dip it in the juice for your consumption. Bring your stone with you and deposit it in the basket to be blessed.

21 Music during Communion: Agnus Dei

22 MV 202 “Bread for the Journey”

23 Eternal and gracious One, though we live in a world of need, here we have tasted your goodness and hungered for a world more just. Though afflicted by brokenness and division, here we have heard your call to be a people of healing community. Though daily we touch our limits, here we have received the fullness of your grace. Send us forth, O God, in faith, in hope, and in love. Amen.

24 All material used with permission under A-711-187
GOING FORTH *Please rise as you are able Hymn: VU 510 “We Have This Ministry” Blessing of the Stones & Sending Forth Choral Benediction: “Everything Will Be Alright” TST Choir All material used with permission under A

25 Next week: Wed. Oct 18th, 1:30 pm Preacher: Natalie Wigg Stevenson, Presider: Karen Bowles

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