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Reference-Centre Network for Care Management of Alveolar Echinococcosis. Solange BRESSON-HADNI Besançon University Hospital and Franche-Comté University. Chronoenvironment, UMR CNRS 6249. WHO Collaborative Centre for Prevention and Treatment of Human Echinococcosis. Alveolar Echinococcosis French National Reference Centre. BESANCON, FRANCE. 1

2 The French Alveolar Echinococcosis (AE) Network
Background: 1997 : European Network EurEchinoReg1 2003: French Network FrancEchino2,3 supported by the National Institute of Health Surveillance : InVS « Institut de Veille Sanitaire » collect AE cases exhaustively inform on clinical and therapeutic changes 1.Kern P et al. Emerg Infect Dis 2003;9 : 2.Piarroux M et al. J Hepatol 2011;55: 3.Piarroux M et al. Emerg Inf Dis 2013; 19:

3 « Terms of reference » 2012-2016 :
WHO COLLABORATIVE CENTER FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ECHINOCOCCOSIS From 1995 « Terms of reference » : To develop molecular, serological, and morphological methods for diagnosis and follow-up of echinococcosis To provide professionals, researchers and institutions from WHO member countries with methodological support and expert advice in the field of echinococcosis To develop eco-epidemiological investigations on Echinococcus spp. transmission to human and animal hosts at regional and continental scales To participate in the organisation of meetings with WHO member states and in the production of WHO guidelines and manuals

4 « Terms of reference » 2012-2016 :
WHO COLLABORATIVE CENTER FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF ECHINOCOCCOSIS From 1995 « Terms of reference » : To develop molecular, serological, and morphological methods for diagnosis and follow-up of echinococcosis To provide professionals, researchers and institutions from WHO member countries with methodological support and expert advice in the field of echinococcosis To develop eco-epidemiological investigations on Echinococcus spp. transmission to human and animal hosts at regional and continental scales To participate in the organisation of meetings with WHO member states and in the production of WHO guidelines and manuals

5 exhaustively collecting AE cases spreading expertise
1997 : European Network EurEchinoReg From 1995: 2003: French Network FrancEchino WHO Collaborative Center exhaustively collecting AE cases spreading expertise French informal network

6 exhaustively collecting AE cases spreading expertise
1997 : European Network EurEchinoReg From 1995: 2003: French Network FrancEchino WHO Collaborative Center exhaustively collecting AE cases spreading expertise French informal network . 2012: National Reference Centre (CNR) for Alveolar Echinococcosis Dept of Parasitology/Besançon University Hospital .

7 National Reference Centre (CNR) for Alveolar Echinococcis
financial and human resources helpful in : - strengthening the physician network. - optimizing links among different structures concerned by this disease.

8 Besançon University Hospital
method European Center for Disease Prevention and control French Institute for Public Health Surveillance InVS-Zoonosis department Establishment for the control of zoonoses ELIZ National Agency for Food Safety, Environment and Labor ; ANSES Competence Centres Referral physicians from University Hospitals and/or General Hospitals in endemic areas Specialized and general practitioners FrancEchino/ National Reference Centre Parasitology, Pathology and Pharmacy departments from French University Hospitals Large national private medical analysis laboratories Besançon University Hospital WHO-CC Franche Comté University Hepatology Parasitology Visceral Surgery Pharmacology Radiology Nuclear Medicine Pathology Endoscopy 8

9 1982 -2013 : annual incident AE cases
FrancEchino Registry : annual incident AE cases 573 AE cases

10 Time Space Evolution of the Distribution of AE Cases

11 Time Space Evolution of the Distribution of AE Cases

12 Time Space Evolution of the Distribution of AE Cases
Charleville REIMS 230 cases Metz NANCY BESANCON STRASBOURG Mulhouse DIJON Bourg en Bresse LYON CLERMONT FERRAND GRENOBLE km Thonon Chambéry Rodez

13 For the last 3 years : annual meeting in Besançon :
offers all these physicians an opportunity to get together and exchange views on the registration and care management of AE patients.

14 AE PATIENTS DIAGNOSIS Still imperfect management situations
Wrong or delayed diagnosis : atypical AE lesion: - immunosuppressed patients++ - purely extra-hepatic localization Unrecognized familial cases Diffusion of information about these particular forms of the disease : - dedicated website - publishing general reviews in largely diffused journal - diffusing information on opportunistic AE to concerned specialists - giving lectures to general practionners/radiologists/ gastroenterologists Inform on CNR offer : - slides re-examination/PCR - patient’s file discussion in periodic multi-disciplinary meeting With this network, we wish to optimize AE patients diagnosis. In fact, there are still (plutôt que already comme indiqué sur la dia?) imperfect management situations such as wrong or delayed diagnosis. Recent examples concerned AE in immunosuppressed patients which is currently emerging, also the very rare situation of a purely extra-hepatic localization, that is often associated to delayed diagnosis. Ignored familial cases is another example.

15 AE PATIENTS DIAGNOSIS Still imperfect Means to optimize
management situations Means to optimize Wrong or delayed diagnosis : atypical AE lesion: - immunosuppressed patients++ - purely extra-hepatic localization Unrecognized familial cases Disseminating information about these particular forms of the disease : - creating a dedicated website - publishing general reviews in widely-read journals - providing information on opportunistic AE to concerned specialists - giving lectures to general practitioners/radiologists/ gastroenterologists Informing on CNR offer : - slides re-examination/PCR - patient’s file discussion in periodic multi-disciplinary meetings We can certainly optimize management at the diagnosis level by disseminating information about these particular form of the disease. Here are listed different measures : creating a dedicated website, publishing general reviews in widely-read journals, providing information on opportunistic AE to concerned specialists, giving lectures to general practitioners, radiologists, gastroenterologists. It is also important to inform on CNR offer, for examples, slides re-examination, specific PCR analysis and patient’s file discussion in periodic multidisciplinary meetings. We have established this meeting 2 years ago, on a every 2 months frequency.

16 AE PATIENTS TREATMENT Still imperfect management situations
Lack of precise loco-regional and extra-hepatic extension evaluation Palliative/debulking hepatectomies Lost of follow-up after « curative hepatectomy » Sequential use of ABZ Prompt ABZ interruption in case of increased liver enzymes Promote PNM staging classification Diffusion of information about AE Tt: - dedicated website - publishing general reviews in largely diffused journals - giving lectures in UH/GH of endemic AE areas/ distant areas - periodic multi-disciplinary meeting in the CNR : possibility to send patient’s file ABZ-sulphoxide plasma concentration monitoring: possibility to send samples to CNR After the diagnosis, there also remains imperfect management situations for treatment : lack of precise loco-regional and extra-hepatic extension evaluation, palliative hepatectomies, lost of follow-up after presumed curative hepatectomy , without any adjuvant albendazole therapy, sequential use of albendazole, or prompt albendazole interruption in case of increased liver enzymes.

17 AE PATIENTS TREATMENT Still imperfect Means to optimize
management situations Means to optimize Lack of precise loco-regional and extra-hepatic extension evaluation Palliative/debulking hepatectomies Lost of follow-up after « curative hepatectomy » Sequential use of ABZ Prompt ABZ interruption in case of increased liver enzymes Promoting PNM staging classification Disseminating information about AE Tt: - dedicated website - publishing general reviews in widely-read journals - giving lectures in UH/GH in endemic AE areas/ distant areas Informing on CNR offer : - periodic multi-disciplinary meeting in the CNR : possibility to send patient’s file - ABZ-sulphoxide plasma concentration monitoring: possibility to send samples to CNR - training for physicians Means to optimize in this field : promote PNM staging classifiaction, disseminate information about treatment , inform on CNR offer woth the possibility to discuss therapeutic option in our multi-disciplinary meeting, availibility to measure albendazole sulfoxide plasma concentration in our centre and training for medical doctors as well as surgeons;

18 AE PATIENTS TREATMENT Still imperfect Means to optimize
management situations Means to optimize Lack of precise loco-regional and extra-hepatic extension evaluation Palliative/debulking hepatectomies Lost of follow-up after « curative hepatectomy » Sequential use of ABZ Prompt ABZ interruption in case of increased liver enzymes Prospective multi-centric studies Finally, another mean to optimize AE patients’ care is, of course, to promote prospective multi-centric studies

19 The Echino VISTA Project Principal investigators:
« Alveolar echinococcosis : Parasite viability and innovative markers for the follow-up of patients treated with Albendazole » Principal investigators: Carine Richou, Solange Bresson-Hadni Coordinator: Frédéric Grenouillet And I will finish by presenting you in few slides The EchinoVista project : « alveolar echinococcosis : parasite viability and innovative markers for the follow-up of patients treated witrh albendazole » is a prospective clinical study

20 The Echino VISTA Project
Prospective clinical study Hospital Clinical Research Program Inter-regional funding : Ministry of Health Six French centres: Besançon, Dijon, Lyon, Nancy, Reims, Strasbourg -UH- It is a prospective clinical study, within the framework of the Hospital Clinical Research Program, supported by an inter-regional funding of the Ministry of Health. The project includes 6 French centres :Besançon, Dijon, Lyon, Nancy, Reims and Stasbourg University Hospitals

21 The Echino VISTA Project
Biologist partner: Parasitology Institute of Bern, Switzerland (B.Gottstein) development of serum markers Ethical Agreement: Committee for the Protection of People, Franche-Comté Region; March 1st 2012 The Parasitology Institute of Bern participates as a biologist partner for the development of serum markers. The project has received Ethical agreement in March 2012.

22 Echino VISTA Optimally manage AE pts treated with
Main objective : Optimally manage AE pts treated with ABZ and to make appropriate and timely decision of Tt withdrawal. Its main objective is to optimally manage AE patients treated with albendazole and to make appropriate and timely decision of treatment withdrawal.

23 Echino VISTA Exploratory analysis of existing and newly developed biological and imaging exams, for diagnosis and follow-up Study of the relationship of these markers to the viability of the parasite and/or the activity of the parasitic lesions It also includes an exploratory analysis of existing and newly developed biological and imaging exams for diagnosis and follow-up and a study of the relationship of these markers to the viability of the parasite and/or the activity of the parasitic lesions.

24 Echino VISTA Two groups of patients prospectively included:
Operated pts Non-operated pts ABZ withdrawal ABZ withdrawal after 1-year TT from the 4th year TT negative PET-CT and serology Two groups of patients are prospectively included in the study: patients with radical operation with the prospect of evaluating the possibility of albendazole withdrawal after 1year of treatment on the basis of negative PET-CT and serology. Non operated patients, with the prospect of evaluating the possibility of albendazole withdrawalfrom teh 4th year of treatment.

25 Echino VISTA Additional studies associated with the prospective follow-up of patients : - ABZ pharmacokinetics - cytokines and other immunological markers - prognostic value of the respect of a « safety margin » at operation Additional studies on albendazole pharmacokinetics, on cytokine and other immunological markers and on the pronostic value of the respect of a safety margin by surgeons at operation are associated with the prospective follow-up of patients.

26 Echino VISTA First prospective collaborative clinical study ever performed in France in the field of AE care management: 21 patients included (8 operated) Similar project being set up in Urumqi, China May serve as pilot project for a more ambitious multicentric European trial to explore new therapeutic strategies in AE. Until now, 21 patients (among them, 8 with radical operation) have been included in this project which is the first prospective collaborative clinical study ever performed in France in the field of EA care management. A similar project is being set up in Urumqi, china. EchinoVista may serve as a pilot project for a more ambitious multicenter European to explore new Therapeutic strategies in EA.


28 Pathology Parasitology Nuclear medicine L.Millon Hepatology
F.Grenouillet Nuclear medicine O. Blagosklonov Hepatology S.Bresson-Hadni C.Richou Visceral surgery GA. Mantion B. Heyd Radiology E.Delabrousse Ph.Manzoni N.Sailley Environmental Biology P.Giraudoux F.Raoul Immunology D.A Vuitton Pharmacology MP.Brientini D. Montanges Human registry J.Knapp, F Demonmerot P.Evrard, S.Capelle Pathology S.Degano S.Felix

29 Follow-up of the NON-operated on patients
Date Clinical exami Imaging Albendazole blood measurement Biological follow-up) (hepatic work-up HWU = ASAT/ALAT + PAL, GGT, T Bili) Antibodiesand circ Ags Tube for RNA extraction (Paxgene tube) PCR Treg TH1 TH2 TH17 CHUB Urumqi? Inclusion Yes US & CEUS PET-CT MRI BC, HWU yes yes* J15 Yes T4 BC, ASAT/ALAT J30 (M1) Yes T0 & T4 J45 J60 (M2) J75 J90 (M3) NFS, BHC M4 M5 M6 Yes T0 M7 M8 M9 Yes T0 M10 M11 M12 (An1) Oui Oui*

30 Follow-up of NON-operated on patients
Date Clinical exam Imaging Albendazole blood measurement Biological follow-up) (hepatic work-up = ASAT/ALAT + AP, GGT, Total Bili) Antibodies and circ Ags Paxgene tube for RNA extraction PCR Treg TH1 TH2 TH17 CHUB Urumqi? M15 BC, ASAT/ALAT M18 Oui yes T0 BC, HWU yes M21 M24 (An2) US & CEUS PET & RMI M27 M30 Yes T0 BC, BHC M33 NFS, ASAT/ALAT M36 (An 3) TEP & RMI M39 M42 T0 NFS, BHC M45 M48 (An 4) T0 & T4

31 Follow-up of operated on patients
Date POST OP Clinical exam Liver Imaging Other imaging studies ABZ measurement Biological follow-up) (hepatic work-up = ASAT/ALAT + AP, GGT, Total Bili) Antibodies and circulating Ags Paxgene tube for RNA PCR Treg Th1 Th2 Th17 CHUB and Urumqi? Before surgery Yes US & CEUS PET-CT & RMI Thorax & Brain CT Within the month before surgery T0/T4 BC, HWU yes J30 (M1) Yes Surgeon Yes T0 J90 (M3) M6 M9 M12 (Yr1) PET & RMI Yes T0/T4 M15 BHC ** (+ NFS si ABZ 2 ans) M18 M21 HWU ** (+BC if ABZ 2 years) M24 (Yr2) M30 M36 (An 3) CEUS PET & RMI Thorax & CNS CT M42 Oui M48 (An 4) HXU ** Stop ABZ  (except OLT and ID patients) Or StopABZ  If OLT or ID or early wihdrawal refusal

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