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FDR & The New DEAL.

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Presentation on theme: "FDR & The New DEAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 FDR & The New DEAL

2 “The Only thing to fear”
Roosevelt wins in 1932 Inauguration Speech- “The only thing to fear, is fear itself.” Big on public relations Keep public informed, transparency Restore faith in government Fireside Chats

3 Experiment with solutions
Progressive programs like Teddy Roosevelt Group effort! Eleanor Roosevelt Very involved, traveled/spoke for FDR Brain Trust Experts appointed to cabinet regardless of party 1st 100 Days- passed 15 major acts!

4 Impacting various groups
Women Frances Perkins 1st female cabinet member, Sec. of Labor Female diplomats and federal judges Faced discrimination, but 16% of married women worked African Americans “Black Cabinet” led by Mary McLeod Bethune (National Youth Admin.) Eleanor focused on Civil Rights, economy led to little change Native Americans Recently gained citizenship (1924) Indian Reorganization Act

5 First new deal Bank Holiday
Banks closed for inspection FDIC- insured bank accounts Glass-Steagall Act banking reform/prohibitions SEC- investigates/regulates stock market Deficit spending…. Government overspends to jumpstart the economy

6 Need for more relief New Deal had three main goals:
Relief (immediate) Recovery (short term) Reform (long term) By 1935 the economy had still not recovered…. Roosevelt develops 2nd New Deal


8 Supreme Court Response
Supreme Court struck down… AAA… because agriculture is a “local matter” NIRA… because it “gave legislative power to the executive” “Court packing” Roosevelt tried to pass court reform… to add SIX new justices! Failed.. But over his time in office he was able to appoint SEVEN from retirements

9 New deal critics Father Coughlin Huey Long Francis Townsend
Heavy taxes on rich to provide income for all Huey Long “Every man a king!” Level income, home & college for all Francis Townsend Proposed income for elderly

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