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Bismark Mzubanzi Tyobeka

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1 Bismark Mzubanzi Tyobeka
Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) Activities Coordination and Collaboration RCF Plenary 30 September 2016 Vienna, Austria Bismark Mzubanzi Tyobeka RCF Vice Chairman CEO of NNR, South Africa Welcome note!

2 Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF)
Content RCF background Current activities Improved coordination – Mapping approach Collaboration with ANNuR and FNRBA Conclusion

3 1. RCF background I1 Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) established in June 2010. RCF objectives To promote collaboration and cooperation among RCF members to improve coordination of support to regulatory infrastructure development for regulators in embarking countries. To contribute to achieving and sustaining a high level of nuclear safety, consistent with the IAEA Safety Standards and Guidance. To optimize resources among RCF members and avoid unnecessary support duplication through improved coordination. RCF Chairman and Vice Chairman Mr Jean-Luc Lachaume, Deputy Director-General, ASN, France Mr Bismark Mzubanzi Tyobeka, Chief Executive Officer, NNR, South Africa At the 2009 Conference on “Effective Nuclear Regulatory Systems” in Cape Town, South Africa, regulatory bodies of Member States agreed to establish a regulator-to-regulator forum to improve collaboration and coordination for regulatory capacity building among Member States with established nuclear power programmes and those considering the introduction or expansion of such programmes. In June 2010, the Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) was established. The IAEA was invited to provide the Secretariat to the RCF.

4 RCF implementation framework
1. RCF background I2 27 RCF members - 12 providers: Canada, China, Finland, France, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Russia, UK, USA, EC and IAEA - 12 recipients: Jordan (since 2010), Viet Nam (since 2012), Poland (since 2014), Belarus (since 2014), Bangladesh, Chile, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and UAE - 3 observers: Germany, Kenya and OECD/NEA RCF Activities Steering Committee: Annual meeting mainly on policy-related issues Support Meeting: Annual meeting on updating Action Plans of support activities Plenary Meeting: Annual meeting in the margins of the IAEA General Conference Support activities: Workshops and others based on Action Plans and working group meetings RCF implementation framework Support activities: Including Workshops based on Action Plans and working group meetings (if necessary ). - Extra-budgetary funding from Japan and US - 2 CFEs from Japan and US

5 Results of the meeting:
2. Current activities 27 June 2016: RCF Steering Committee Meeting held in Brussels in cooperation with the European Commission. Results of the meeting: Importance of enhancing a coordination mechanism was underlined again. Meetings with RCF active recipient countries (Jordan, Viet Nam, Poland and Belarus) using mapping-matrix were regarded as efficient way of coordination mechanism. Practical collaboration among RCF, ANNuR (Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators) and FNRBA (Forum for Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa). Meetings with Bangladesh and Sudan in the margin of the IAEA General Conference in 2016 are to be considered about becoming RCF active recipient countries.

6 3. Improved Coordination I1
Mapping approach RCF support activities need to be further coordinated with the framework of IAEA Technical Cooperation (TC) IAEA Networks (ANSN, ANNuR, FNRBA and FORO) Bilateral Cooperation Agreements Definition: Mapping refers to the creation of a list of implemented and planned activities together with the gaps (recommendations and suggestions) by IAEA review missions (e.g., IRRS, INIR), to realize a systematic coordination of support activities, and monitor activity implementation and how much the gaps were narrowed or closed. RCF creates mapping-matrix, based on SSG-16 (200 actions, Phase 1 to 3), that provides a clear and holistic picture of all support activities and gaps. A dedicated database is being developed on SharePoint for easier access to the mapping-matrix. Bilateral cooperation agreements refer to: countries experienced in nuclear regulatory activities. Computer software = SharePoint

7 Transparency and openness
3. Improved Coordination I2 Mapping approach Mapping IAEA overall support activities and bilateral cooperation activities. Monitoring support activities and the gaps identified by IAEA review missions. A face-to-face meeting with each RCF active recipient country has been organized using its mapping matrix in 2016, and it will be held once every year. Transparency and openness Regulatory framework RCF Recipient Country SSG-16 200 actions Legal framework Support by RCF Provider Countries based on Action Plans, and others. Achieving coordination of support planning and implementation is not a matter of luck or coincidence; it is a matter of management.

8 4. Collaboration with ANNuR and FNRBA
At the RCF Steering Committee Meeting in June 2016, importance was placed on establishing a practical collaboration among RCF, ANNuR (Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators) and FNRBA (Forum for Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa). Collaboration is embodied as follows: RCF assists ANNuR and FNRBA recipient countries, upon their requests, by creation of a mapping matrix for coordination of support activities. RCF, ANNuR and FNRBA recipient countries are allowed to join regional-basis support activities organized by RCF, ANNuR or FNRBA respectively. (e.g., RCF Regulatory Control Training Workshop in 2017, some ANNuR or FNRBA regional workshops/training courses)

9 5. Conclusion The RCF places its focus on “improved coordination” for its recipient countries to ensure that regulatory infrastructure development is consistent with IAEA Safety Standards. Mapping matrix allows for the systematic identification of necessary support activity plans, using SSG-16 (200 actions for regulator, central government and operator) as a template, together with the results (recommendations and suggestions) of IAEA review missions (e.g., IRRS and INIR) and through a face-to-face meeting with each recipient country once every year. Mapping matrix, updated annually, allows to see a holistic picture of all support activity plans and review mission results, which corresponds to the complex challenge of regulatory infrastructure development. Collaboration among RCF, ANNuR and FNRBA has been practically embodied.

10 Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF)
Thank you for your attention  Hard copies distributed at this meeting: - Mapping matrix of Belarus - Collaboration table of RCF, ANNuR and FNRBA

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