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Researched methods showed following values :

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1 Researched methods showed following values :
Autotrophic and heterotrophic components of soil respiration in permafrost zone Maria Udovenko Olga Goncharova,  Georgiy Matyshak , Anna Bobrik, Dmitriy Petrov, Matvey Tarkhov Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia INTRODACTION Soil CO2 production is an important integral indicator of soil biological activity and it includes several components: the root respiration and microbial decomposition of organic matter. Separate determination of the components of soil respiration is necessary for studying the balance of carbon in the soil and to assessment its potential as a sink or source of CO2. Also this problem is closely related with prediction of global climate change, and also with development and implementation of measures to reduce greenhouse gases. METODS Basic requirements for methods: Weather change control, short duration (limited by expedition period), work only in field (without laboratory part), work without soil disturbance. 3 methods of separation and root microbial respiration were selected and tested: Shading, Clipping and a Separate Definition of Respiration (SDR) (modification of the separate incubation). RESULTS Shading The method is based on shading plants in the study plots. Sunlight is not supplied to the plants, and they can not photosynthesize, as a result, the root respiration is inhibited strongly. In shading plots, the northern side of the court left open for ventilation. Light meter measurements are made in order to avoid incomplete shading. Objects The approbation of field methods of separate determination of root and microbial respiration in the north Western Siberia's soils. Before shading After Research area The researches took place near the town Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (north of West Siberia). The study area was located in the northern taiga with discontinuous permafrost. Investigations were carried out at two sites: in forest and on frozen peatland. Forest Researched methods showed following values : Light meter Before clipping Clipping The method is based on the removal from study area of above-ground green parts of plants The vegetation clip from the plot, as the result, the plants can not photosynthesize and after a while, assimilates stop coming to the roots. Root respiration is inhibited and becomes close to zero. Respectively, as in the method “shading”, carbon dioxide emission at the plot consists almost entirely of microbial respiration. Root respiration in the forest: Shading: 5% Clipping: 17% Root respiration in the frozen peatland: Shading: 41% Clipping: 56% SDR: 55% Method Advantages Disadvantages Clipping -Simple and short-dated -Does not require special equipment -Control of weather conditions -Positive results in permafrost was shown -Unsuitable for forest -Apparently reduction of rhizomicrobial respiration, changing temperature and moisture, difference in microbial pools and increase of growth respiration -Inability of long-term experiment, due to the decomposition of roots Shading -Control of weather conditions. -No soil disturbance -Positive results in permafrost. -Unsuitable for forest. -Apparently reduction of rhizomicrobial respiration, changing temperature and moisture, difference in microbial pools and increase of maintain respiration Separate Definition of Respiration (SDR) -Simple, easy and shot - one day long -Absence of vegetation on the spot determines the difference of microbial pools. -Object specificity limits the application of the method After Frozen peatland Frozen peatland (peat spot) Separate Definition of Respiration (SDR) (modification of the separate incubation). This method consist in comparing the value of the emission in areas of peat spots, devoid of vegetation and roots, and sites located in close proximity to the spots (in these areas present herbaceous vegetation and reindeer moss). After Soils Turbic Histic Cryosols (in frosen peatland) Albic Podsols (in forest ecosystems) DISCUSSION The proportion of root respiration to total soil respiration in forest ecosystems was 5-17%, in the tundra ecosystems 26-56% Shading method, in our opinion, is the best for field conditions (for herbaceous communities), as it is the most physiologically reasonable, the least time-consuming and least disturb the ecosystem The proposed modification of the method of separate determination of respiration in the field on the natural objects, in general, showed a satisfactory result. However, this method is not universal, because of the specifics of the object, it but can be an aid in clarifying the findings ACKNOWLEDGMENT  This work was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant №  Turbic Histic Cryosols (WRB) Albic Podzols (WRB) Peat spots without living roots Shading and Сlipping methods had a control area, for monitoring change of CO2 emission, resulting from changes in weather conditions. Separate Definition of Respiration had no control, because the experiment was conducted in one day.

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