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Cattle Market Update Derrell S. Peel

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Presentation on theme: "Cattle Market Update Derrell S. Peel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cattle Market Update Derrell S. Peel
Breedlove Professor of Agribusiness and Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist Oklahoma State University

2 Topics Global and Macroeconomic Environment Cattle Market Fundamentals
Cattle Inventory and Beef Production Beef Demand International Trade Feed and Forage Markets and Conditions

3 Global and Macroeconomic Environment
Changes Political Policy Uncertainty Global Economy U.S. Economy Trade Exchange Rates Volatility Markets Futures

4 OK Combined and 5-MKT Fed

5 Data Source: USDA-AMS

6 Data Source: USDA-ERS

7 Cattle inventories

8 U.S. Cattle Inventory January 1
2015 2016 2017 % Change 1000 Head All Cattle and Calves 89143 91918 +1.8 Beef Cows +3.5 Dairy Cows 9306.9 9310.4 9349.0 +0.4 Beef Replacements 6086.4 6340.2 6419.2 +1.2 Dairy Replacements 4710.0 4814.0 4754.0 -1.2 Feeder Supply +2.2 Cattle on Feed 13025 13157 13067 -0.7 2014 Calf Crop 33522 +2.9

9 Oklahoma Cattle Inventory January 1
2015 2016 2017 % Change 1000 Head All Cattle and Calves 4550 4800 5000 +4.2 Beef Cows 1880 1923 2095 +8.9 Dairy Cows 40 37 35 -5.4 Beef Replacements 420 460 445 -3.3 Dairy Replacements 25 20 -20.0 Feeder Supply 1780 1930 1935 +0.3 Cattle on Feed 265 280 310 +10.7 Calf Crop 1760 1730 1870 +8.1

10 Oklahoma and U.S. Cattle Cycles: Beef Cow Inventory, January 1

11 Data Source: USDA-NASS, Analysis by LMIC
Livestock Marketing Information Center

12 Beef Cow Inventory by Cycle U.S., January 1
Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA-NASS, Compiled & Analysis by LMIC

13 1.3 % Data Source: USDA-NASS Livestock Marketing Information Center

14 Data Source: USDA-NASS
Livestock Marketing Information Center


16 Decreasing Crop Values $/bushel, Crop Years
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* % Change Wheat 5.70 7.20 7.77 6.87 5.99 4.89 3.85 -21.3 Corn 5.18 6.20 6.89 4.46 3.70 3.60 3.40 -5.6 Soybeans 11.30 11.70 14.40 13.00 10.10 8.95 9.50 +6.1 Sorghum 5.02 6.10 6.33 4.28 4.03 3.31 2.70 -18.4 Barley 3.86 5.40 6.43 6.06 5.30 5.52 4.95 -10.3 Oats 2.52 3.89 3.75 3.21 2.12 2.05 -3.3 Rice (cwt.) 12.70 14.30 15.10 16.30 13.40 12.20 10.50 -13.9 *forecast

17 Data Source: USDA-AMS Livestock Marketing Information Center

18 Data Source: USDA-AMS Livestock Marketing Information Center

19 Monthly Placements and Cattle on Feed 12 Month Moving Ave.

20 Data Source: USDA-AMS & USDA-NASS
Livestock Marketing Information Center

21 Data Source: USDA-AMS & USDA-NASS
Livestock Marketing Information Center

22 Commercial Beef Production
Beef Cow Inventory Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA-NASS, Compiled & Analysis by LMIC and Derrell Peel Forecast

23 2017 Meat Production and Consumption
Consum. Change Consum. Per Capita Change 2015 2016 2017 2016- Million lbs. % Million lbs. Retail Lbs. Beef 23698 25212 +6.4 26187 +3.9 +3.0 56.2 +1.1 Pork 24501 24939 +1.8 25556 +2.5 +0.8 50.3 +0.4 Broilers 39620 40261 +1.6 41349 +2.7 90.2 +0.7 Total 94270 97231 +3.1 100066 +2.9 +1.5 216.1 +1.0 LMIC, March 3, 2017

24 Livestock Marketing Information Center
Data Source: USDA-AMS & USDA-NASS, Compiled & Analysis by LMIC

25 International trade

26 U.S. Beef Exports Major Markets

27 Data Source: USDA-ERS & USDA-FAS, Compiled & Analysis by LMIC
Livestock Marketing Information Center

28 U.S. Beef Imports Major Markets

29 Data Source: USDA-ERS & USDA-FAS, Compiled & Analysis by LMIC
Livestock Marketing Information Center

30 Data Source: USDA-AMS, Compiled and Forecasts by LMIC
Livestock Marketing Information Center

31 2017 Cattle Price Forecasts
Feeder Steer Price (Southern Plains) Fed Steer 5-600 lb. ($/cwt.) % chg from Last Year 7-800 lb. 5-mkt avg. ($/cwt) 2016 IV 138.44 -32.0 129.07 -27.2 107.69 -15.7 Annual 166.29 -33.8 145.61 -30.1 120.85 -18.6 2017 I -19.8 -17.5 -11.4 II -14.0 -11.5 -9.5 III -9.0 -9.1 -3.7 -0.6 +0.3 +1.7 -11.6 -10.3 -6.1 LMIC, March 2, 2017

32 Steer Price, Total Value and Value of Gain March 10, 2017, 7 Mkt. Ave
Steer Price, Total Value and Value of Gain March 10, 2017, 7 Mkt. Ave., Oklahoma Weight (lbs) Average Price ($/cwt.) Total Value ($/hd) VOG 400 lb. Beg. Weight ($/lb.) 450 lb. Beg. Weight ($/lb 500 lb. Beg. Weight 550 lb. Beg. Weight 600 lb. Beg. Weight 650 lb. Beg. Weight 400 $183.82 $735 450 $175.81 $791 $1.12 500 $166.18 $831 $0.96 $0.80 550 $157.75 $868 $0.88 $0.76 $0.73 600 $150.24 $901 $0.83 $0.74 $0.71 $0.68 650 $143.51 $933 $0.79 $0.65 $0.63 700 $137.22 $961 $0.75 $0.62 $0.59 $0.55 750 $130.92 $982 $0.70 $0.64 $0.60 $0.57 $0.54 $0.49 800 $125.89 $1,007 $0.56 $0.53 $0.50 850 $122.47 $1,041 $0.58 900 $119.59 $1,076 $0.61

33 Steer Price, Total Value and Value of Gain January 20, 2017, 7 Mkt. Ave., Oklahoma
Weight (lbs) Average Price ($/cwt.) Total Value ($/hd) VOG 400 lb. Beg. Weight ($/lb.) 450 lb. Beg. Weight ($/lb 500 lb. Beg. Weight 550 lb. Beg. Weight 600 lb. Beg. Weight 650 lb. Beg. Weight 400 $176.32 $705 450 $170.69 $768 $1.26 500 $162.02 $810 $1.05 $0.84 550 $151.63 $834 $0.86 $0.66 $0.48 600 $144.37 $866 $0.80 $0.65 $0.56 650 $140.11 $911 $0.82 $0.71 $0.67 $0.77 $0.89 700 $136.32 $954 $0.83 $0.74 $0.72 $0.88 $0.87 750 $133.71 $1,003 $0.85 $0.78 $0.91 $0.92 800 $132.19 $1,058 $0.96 $0.98 850 $129.80 $1,103 $0.90 $0.95 900 $129.71 $1,167 $1.00 $1.03

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