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Security, Environment, New Legislation, Human Element, ….

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Presentation on theme: "Security, Environment, New Legislation, Human Element, …."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security, Environment, New Legislation, Human Element, ….
The Connecticut Maritime Association ISSUES OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO THE INDUSTRY ? Peter M Swift Security, Environment, New Legislation, Human Element, …. Our concerns for OUR SEAFARERS

2 Crew treated as second class citizens – bordering on the inhumane
Shore leave denied Crew changes prohibited Access to medical treatment restricted Mustering during inspections Excessive charges for terminal transits Etc…………

3 Criminalisation - and unfair treatment
Criminalisation legislation - “Find the guilty” culture rather than a thorough investigation of the cause Failure to adhere to guidelines on “Fair Treatment of Seafarers” – in particular after a marine accident BUT is Industry prepared to stand-up ?

4 - obvious redundancies in the monitoring and verification programmes
Too many inspections ! Adding unnecessarily to fatigue and stress - obvious redundancies in the monitoring and verification programmes - failure to share information frequently results in inspections overlapping - improper targeting; frequently hitting the soft option and - non-uniformity in interpretations creates its own problems

5 The Tsunami of Paperwork
Senior officers report spending up to half of their time filling in forms, answering s and requests for information

6 Manuals that are incomprehensible
Language issues Installation rather than instruction manuals Incomplete in content Inconsistent in functional scope But also sometimes simply unavailable

7 Equipment NOT Fit For Purpose
Inadequate equipment Equipment NOT Fit For Purpose OWS / ODME’s Incinerators (undersized) Loading calculators Cranes Lifeboats ! and Inadequate shoreside reception facilities

8 Regulation without recognition of ramifications
Ballast Water Management Systems Emission abatement technologies Multi-fuel ships …………… Somebody has to make it work ! - or carry the can if it does not work!

9 Regulation without recognition of ramifications
May 2006 IMO: Nov 2007 EU: Aug 2007 Sulphur Emission Control Areas, the Baltic and the North Sea Potential for complications and confusion AND A further burden for the crew !

10 And the list goes on !! ………………..
Non-availability of Material Safety Data Sheets for cargoes and bunkers Pressure on Masters from Charterers, Terminal Operators and Owners ………………..

11 LIFE at sea - quality of accommodation
Owners too readily accept “norms” of shipyards as acceptable standard Insufficient attention to personal communications, shipboard training facilities and much more ………………………

12 WHO CARES ? IF we don’t, who will ?

13 For more information, please visit:
THANK YOU For more information, please visit:

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