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Wednesday Wars “October”

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1 Wednesday Wars “October”
Watch the video on Shakespeare -For homework find one quote and bring it to school tomorrow to put on a poster. Let’s collect a series of Shakespeare quotes. You will be surprised how many famous you use today that come from Shakespeare. “ Suspicion is an unbecoming passion”

2 Wednesday Wars “October”
Character chart- Fill in together. Let’s add: Sycorax and Caliban (from The Tempest Why does Holling NOT complain when Mrs. Baker gives him many chores to perform after school?

3 Wednesday Wars “October”
Descriptive language used by Gary Schmidt Pg. 24- How does he describe lunch? Pg24/25- Autumn? Pg 27-Autumn? Think of ways you can try to imitate this in your writing.( We’re going to try this on Friday)

4 Wednesday Wars “October”
Walter Cronkite- newscaster in the 1960’s (video clip) 1967-World series- Who won? First person to tell me gets a Starburst! What was the latest escapade of Doug Swietck’s brother? Why do you think the author chose not to give him a name?

5 Wednesday Wars “October”
Mood-certain feelings that the reader feels through words and descriptions Tone-attitudes toward the subject that the author is feeling in a work. Tone may be formal, informal, intimate, solemn, somber, playful, serious, ironic, condescending, or many other possible attitudes.

6 Wednesday Wars “October”
Why is it ironic that the students of the class are threatening Holling as they are leaving school about the creampuffs? What is the mood during this scene? What happened to the creampuffs that causes Holling not to eat one?

7 Wednesday Wars “October”
Tell me in five clear sentences what happens with Sycorax and Caliban. Why are they so important to Mrs. Baker? What does Holling learn from the play the Tempest? (Pg48)

8 Wednesday Wars “October”
Any questions/comments from this chapter? Predictions?

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