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What are your thoughts on these pictures.

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5 What are your thoughts on these pictures

6 Is this picture similar to the ones we just saw


8 Preparing a Brooder ASJA Girls High School

9 What is Brooding? Brooding-This is a term which simply means special care of the baby chicks in the first few days of their arrival It is a time when you can expect a few chicks to die, therefore it is important to observe the baby chicks regularly. During this period the baby chicks are kept warm and comfortable and well protected

10 Natural Brooding- This is where the mother is present to take care of the baby chicks
Artificial Brooding- this is where we have to provide a non-natural environment to take care of the baby chicks, since the mother will NOT be present


12 We need to create an artificial environment whereby the baby chicks will feel comfortable and protected. This can be done by constructing a brooder. A Brooder is simply a hand made apparatus or device that provide all the conditions necessary to keep the baby chicks comfortable and protected

13 Examples of a Brooder

Concrete Blocks Light Baby waterers Vitalyte Feed Trays Litter

15 Your Brooder should look something like:
This OR

16 What about predators ? Rats Rat Bait Light Snake

17 Simple Brooder

18 Duck Brooder

19 Small Brooder

20 Commercial Brooder

21 Commercial Brooder

22 There will be times when one or two baby chicks may escape from the brooder. Extra care must be taken when holding and returning them to the Brooder


24 Question 1 What is the function of the light bulb in the brooder ? Heat helps to keep the baby chicks warm and cozy Light helps to scare predators away Light encourages the baby chicks to eat more

25 It is Important that the light be placed at the correct height in the brooder. Why ?
Brooder barrier Light bulb


27 Activity

28 Activity


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