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自我介紹 學歷: 研究方向: 經歷: 1984:學士,台大電機系 1992:博士,加州大學柏克萊分校、電機電腦系

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Presentation on theme: "自我介紹 學歷: 研究方向: 經歷: 1984:學士,台大電機系 1992:博士,加州大學柏克萊分校、電機電腦系"— Presentation transcript:

1 自我介紹 學歷: 研究方向: 經歷: 1984:學士,台大電機系 1992:博士,加州大學柏克萊分校、電機電腦系
Advisor: Lofti Zadeh Thesis: Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling: Architectures, Analyses, and Applications 研究方向: 音樂處理與辨識、多媒體分析與檢索、機器學習及其應用、語音評分/辨識/合成 經歷: :加州大學柏克萊分校,電機電腦系研究員 :美國 MathWorks Inc. 軟體工程師(Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 共同作者) :清華資訊系 :借調清蔚科技擔任技術總監 2012-now:台大資工系 2014-now :台大資工系副主任

2 About Myself Education Research Experiences:
1984, BS, EE National Taiwan Univ. 1992, PhD. EECS, UC Berkeley Research Music analysis and retrieval Speech recognition, scoring and synthesis Experiences: 93-95: the MathWorks, (Author of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox) : CS Dept. of Tsing Hua Univ. : CTO of CWeb Technology Inc. 2012-now: CS Dept. of National Taiwan Univ.

3 研究軌跡 1987-1995 1995-2001 2001-now 2010-now Neuro-fuzzy modeling
Intelligent control Distance learning Natural language processing 2001-now Music information retrieval Speech recognition/assessment/synthesis Machine learning and applications 2010-now Semiconductor manufacturing intelligence


5 Research Foci Before 1998 Research Topic Rep. publication
Efficient learning algorithms for neuro-fuzzy systems and soft computing Rep. publication "Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence", MATLAB Curriculum Series, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1997

6 Current Focus: Melody Recognition
Topics Efficient/effective retrieval and indexing techniques for large-scale melody recognition (QBSH, query by singing/humming) systems Research issues Reliable pitch tracking Effective comparison methods Potential indexing methods Deployment over cluster/grid computing with multicores Deployment over embedded systems

7 Current Focus: Melody Recognition
Honors: 2006 MIREX Competition (QBSH track): 2nd place in task 1 and 1st place in task 2 2007 MIREX Competition (QBSH track): 2nd place in task 1 and 2nd place in task 2 Rep. publication: J.-S. Roger Jang and Hong-Ru Lee, "A General Framework of Progressive Filtering and Its Application to Query by Singing/Humming", IEEE Transactions on Speech, Audio, and Language Processing, No. 2, Vol. 16, PP , Feb 2008. Demo:

8 Current Focus: CAPT Topics Research issues
Computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) Tone recognition for CAPT Research issues Speech assessment over timbre, pitch, volume, and rhythm Implementation over embedded systems (smartphones, MP4 players, toys, etc.)

9 Current Focus: CAPT Rep. publication: Demo:
Jiang-Chun Chen, J.-S. Roger Jang, "TRUES: Tone Recognition Using Extended Segments", ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing, 2008. Demo:


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