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A Workshop for teachers new to Wayzata Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "A Workshop for teachers new to Wayzata Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Workshop for teachers new to Wayzata Public Schools
Welcome to Wayzata A Workshop for teachers new to Wayzata Public Schools

2 Facilitators Adam Kopperud – 4th Grade Stacy Calvert – Peer Coach

3 Objective of Workshop Each participant will demonstrate a general understanding of Wayzata Public Schools and its initiatives through participation in various activities.

4 Schedule 8:30 Introductions – Community Builder 9:00 Data Driven Dialogue 9:45 Break 10:00 District Initiatives 10:45 Break 11:00 Teaching and Learning 11:35 Reflections & Questions 12:00 Best wishes to a great year

5 NAME Name Tags Content Area/ Grade Level The Best Thing College
Building NAME College The Best Thing You Ate This Summer

6 Human Scavenger Hunt GO! Time limit is seven minutes.
Only 1 signature per sheet of the same person. You may NOT sign your own sheet. GO!

7 Norms for Today Many meetings begin with the establishment of norms.
Read through yellow sheet for specific norms. Table tents are available for reference. Select ONE norm that you would like to practice today.

8 Data Driven Dialogue The body of our School District
Phases of the Data Driven Dialogue Predict Go Visual Observe (NO BECAUSE) Infer/Question/Next Steps

9 Data Driven Dialogue: Predict
Thinking starters for prediction: I assume… I predict… I wonder… My questions/expectations are influenced by…

10 Data Driven Dialogue Use your Student Response Device (SRD) to indicate which of the following you need the most training: 1) PLCs 2) Personalized Learning 3) Technology

11 Data Driven Dialogue: Go Visual
This step allows us to see our predictions or actual data visually. This can be a simple graph or “consesogram.”

12 Data Driven Dialogue: Observe
Thinking starters for observation: I observe that… I can count… Some patterns/trends that I notice… I am surprised to see…

13 Data Driven Dialogue: Infer/Next Steps
Thinking starters for inferencing: I believe the data suggest…because.. Additional data that would help verify/confirm my explanation is… What are our next steps?

14 PREDICT: What percentage of WPS students exceed the benchmark on the MCA II Math Exam? Meet the benchmark? Partially meet the benchmark? Does not meet the benchmark?

15 Go Visual (MATH)

16 PREDICT: What percentage of WPS students exceed the benchmark on the MCA II Reading Exam? Meet the benchmark? Partially meet the benchmark? Does not meet the benchmark?

17 Go Visual (READING)

18 District Profile Data Student Profile Total Enrollment = 10,625
Percent American Indian 0.2% Asian 15.9% Hispanic 3.7% Black 8.3% White 71.9% English Language Learners 2.1% Special Education Students Free and Reduced Lunch 13.2% Source: Minnesota Department of Education website,

19 DDD Reflection At the bottom of the pink sheet…
Take 2 minutes and write a quick reflection of the Wayzata Public School data What is new information for you? What in the data is encouraging for you? How might you use this information as you plan for the school year?

20 15 Minute Break

21 District Initiatives Mingling Quotes Priming Activity
Each person receives a card. Stand and find a partner. Each person reads their card Discuss how/why it may be related to student achievement. MINGLE – find a new partner. Make as many partnerships as possible in 5 minutes!

22 District Initiatives Concept Sort
Move into 4 groups based on the color of your card. Organize all cards in your group. Be prepared to justify and explain your organization.

23 District Initiatives Gallery Walk As a group, visit each of the other tables and check out their organization.

24 District Initiatives Reflection Chart Take a few minutes to summarize your thinking.

25 15 Minute Break

26 Teaching & Learning Mastery Objectives QComp Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Instruction – 3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately Instructional Goals Distinguished: Teacher’s instructional goals are detailed and clear to all students and teacher anticipates student misunderstanding.

27 Mastery Objectives Teaching & Learning Write Your Own Card Sort
Criteria Discussion Fix and Share

28 Mastery Objectives Teaching & Learning
On an index card, write down a mastery objective for a lesson you have taught or observed. Set it aside.

29 Teaching & Learning Mastery Objectives
Sort the cards to create mastery objectives. Each objective should have one of each of the colors. Arrange the objectives so that the color categories line up in columns. Use post-it notes to label each of the columns.

30 Mastery Objectives Teaching & Learning
What are the 4 criteria for a mastery objective? They are the control tower for decisions about: Student learning targets How to gather formative data Instructional plans

31 Teaching & Learning Mastery Objectives Fix and Share
Revisit the objective you wrote on the index card. Is the learner the subject of your objective? Is there an active performance verb? Does the objective expect curricular knowledge? How will students show their mastery? Make any necessary changes and Share your final objective with your table mates.

32 Foundations Training New to WPS
Time to Reflect Please complete the reflection page. Time for questions!

33 Thank You! Have a wonderful school year!

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