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GOES-14 Imager and Sounder

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1 GOES-14 Imager and Sounder
a preliminary look Timothy J. Schmit NOAA/NESDIS/Satellite Applications and Research Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB) Mathew M. Gunshor, Tony Schreiner, Scott Bachmeier, Joleen Feltz, Steve Wanzong, SSEC Data Center, etc. CIMSS/SSEC, Madison, WI T. Schmit Don Hillger and Tim Schmit co-lead the NOAA Science Test

2 Outline Introduction First imager and sounder images
Comparisons Improved imager band 6 (13.3 um) spatial resolution Preliminary inter-calibration results Improved INR and Operation thru eclipse Initial products (imager and sounder) Web links

3 GOES-14 GOES-13/14/P have similar instruments to GOES-8-12, but on a different spacecraft bus. Spring and fall eclipse outages will be avoided by larger onboard batteries. Improved navigation Improved radiometrics GOES-8/12 GOES-13/14/P

4 GOES-14 von Karman vorticies Thanks to Scott Bachmeir, CIMSS for the image on the right. GOES-O Science Test web page:

5 vortex in the marine layer clouds , snow
sediment plume vortex in the marine layer clouds , snow Thanks to S. Bachmeier, CIMSS actinoform clouds Amazon suppressing the formation of cumulus

6 GOES-12/14 (Around eclipse period)

7 GOES-14: Sample “1-min” imagery
Note the number of different levels of motion you can see (the cyclonic low level circulation over the ocean through the breaks in the higher clouds)... and you can't distinguish those on the GOES-12 loop. GOES-12 GOES-14 Visible data from the recent NOAA Science Test, lead by Hillger and Schmit

8 First GOES-14 Images (sub-sampled)
Note the ‘brighter’ GOES-14 visible image From NOAA ASPB

9 GOES-12 (for comparison)
Note the sub-satellite points are different From NOAA ASPB

10 GOES-14 Sounder! Note clean signal, especially bands 1, 2, 12 and 15.

11 GOES-12 Sounder Data has been remapped to a common projection.

12 River Fog GOES-14 GOES-12 Of course GOES-14 has a smaller viewing angle. The fog is a bit brighter and a appears more extensive in the GOES-14 image. GOES-14 is able to discern urban centers more readily than GOES-12.

13 Imager SRF

14 Improved spatial resolution of GOES-14 Imager band 6
H GOES-12 GOES-14 The improved spatial resolution of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)-14 imager band 6 has been verified. This band, centered at 13.3 um, has a number of uses, the main being cloud height determination. Important diagnostic work was under-taken. After an issue was raised dealing with the data stream of imager band 6, the suggested fix was implemented at the ground station. Many groups, both within NOAA/NESDIS, the Cooperative Institutes, NASA and others, quickly worked together to fix this issue. GOES-14 (previously GOES-0) was launched on June 27, 2009. The issue with the band 6 of the imager, was the detector order was initially flipped in the data stream. This was fixed on August 24, 2009 (not shown). More information can be found at: Don Hillger and Tim Schmit are co-leading the GOES-14 NOAA science test. The above images were ingested by the SSEC data center in Madison, WI. Image generated by T. Schmit of NOAA NESDIS STAR ASPB. ### The 13.3 um band 6 of the GOES-12 (left panel) has an 8 km IGFOV (Instantaneous Geometric Field of View); while the same band on the GOES-14 (right panel) has a 4 km IGFOV. Note the finer resolution of the cloud edges and the ‘cleaner’ image. The improved spatial resolution of the GOES-14 imager band 6 (over GOES-12/13 imagers) has been verified with initial on-orbit data. (Courtesy of T. Schmit) Sponsor: OSD G-PSDI Program

15 Methodology: GEO – IASI Intercal
Collocation in time and space. Within 30 minutes at geostationary subpoint (GSNO – Geostationary Simultaneous Nadir Observation) Low Satellite View Angles (< 14) Spatial smoothing 100km “running average” mitigates the negative effects of poor spatial and temporal collocation, poor navigation, and spatial resolution differences. Average radiances, not temperatures. Compare a common area around the GEO sub-point, not “pixel to pixel” comparisons “Convolve” high spectral resolution Radiance spectra with GEO Spectral Response Function. Compare mean scene brightness temperatures (converted from mean scene radiances). Formula is more like a normalized average than convolution, but the conventional terminology in our field is to call that “convolving”. R(v) is AIRS radiance at channel (v), S is Geo spectral response at (v) and L is the resultant geo-like radiance.

16 Preliminary intercalibration results with GOES-14 Imager using IASI
From M. Gunhor, of CIMSS Mean temperature differences with IASI (for 12 cases) are: -0.4 K for the Shortwave Window band (5 night cases) +0.8 K for the Water Vapor band +0.1 K for the IR Window band -0.6 K for the CO2 Absorption band Using Spectral Response Function (SRF) Similar results from Dr. Wu of STAR - Some of these results may include cases where navigation was not optimal.

17 Improved INR

18 Great navigation just after yaw-flip
19:16Z was the end of the yaw-flip.

19 GOES Series Sounder Noise
Wavelength Channel GOES-08 GOES-09 GOES-10 GOES-11 GOES-12 GOES-13 GOES-14 SPEC (I-M) 14.70 1 1.760 1.160 0.710 0.670 0.750 0.320 0.330 0.660 14.40 2 1.210 0.800 0.510 0.640 0.260 0.280 0.580 14.10 3 0.980 0.560 0.410 0.370 0.450 0.240 0.220 0.540 13.90 4 0.740 0.460 0.360 0.390 0.190 0.170 13.40 5 0.680 0.340 0.350 0.160 0.440 12.70 6 0.140 0.110 0.098 0.250 12.00 7 0.200 0.130 0.090 0.100 0.080 11.00 8 0.120 9.70 9 7.40 10 0.070 0.040 7.00 11 0.050 0.060 0.030 6.50 12 0.150 4.57 13 0.012 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.003 0.013 4.52 14 0.010 0.005 4.45 15 0.009 4.13 16 0.004 0.002 3.98 17 3.70 18 0.001 GOES-14 – the best Sounder yet wrt noise performance! Units: mW/(m2 ster cm-1) Preliminary


21 Cloud-top Pressure (GOES-14 Sounder)
Image from Tony Schreiner, CIMSS.


23 Cloud-top Pressure (GOES-14 Imager)

24 Cloud-top Pressure (GOES-14 Sounder)


26 Clear-sky brightness temperatures (Imager)

27 SRF There were updated imager GOES-14 spectral response functions (SRF) released just before the science test.

28 GOES-14 Science Test Preliminary Results
First official GOES-14 images were collected from Imager (visible and IR) and Sounder Improved (4 km) resolution of 13.3 µm band required changes to GVAR format. Several issues with implementing the new GVAR format were discovered, communicated, rectified, and verified. Imager and Sounder data collected for a host of schedules, including rapid scan imagery. Identified GOES Sounder calibration issue with respect to averaging calibration slopes. Initial IASI inter-calibrations with both the imager and sounders. Various products generated Imagery posted on various home pages.

29 GOES-14 Imager and Sounder
T. Schmit

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