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Unit 503: Champion equality, diversity and inclusion

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 503: Champion equality, diversity and inclusion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 503: Champion equality, diversity and inclusion
Models of equality, diversity and inclusion Who are you?

2 Making assumptions Making assumptions about how a person
lives their life based on an incomplete understanding of their background and heritage can lead to exclusion and discrimination.

3 This session looks at: the reasons why social care workers might do this what makes us unique how we can help others avoid making assumptions?

4 Condition or impairment Anything else?
Social care workers may make assumptions about individuals based on factors such as: Race Sexuality Age Gender Religion Appearance Behaviour Condition or impairment Anything else?

5 Basis of assumptions The assumptions may be based on their
understanding of how ‘people like that’ live their lives. They may mean well but sometimes the result can be a failure to identify and meet the needs of the individual.

6 What makes us who we are Education Place of birth Early life
Personal preferences Cultural heritage Beliefs Relationships

7 Who you are… Spend a few moments thinking about who you are.
What has contributed to making you…you? Are you the same as a stereotypical idea based on your appearance, age gender etc?

8 How can we help social care workers avoid making assumptions?
Training on equality, diversity, and inclusion gives basic information about differences but stresses the uniqueness of each individual. Encourage workers to ask questions about what each individual prefers.

9 How can we help social care workers avoid making assumptions?
Help workers to understand the concept of heritage (all the different factors which help to shape individuals). Ask workers to look at their own lives, perhaps drawing a life map, or creating their own person-centered plan. Ask individuals using the service to speak to groups of workers about their experiences.

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