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Meeting 8 Aylin Küntay- PSYC 453

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1 Meeting 8 Aylin Küntay- PSYC 453
CLASS Project scope Meeting 8 Aylin Küntay- PSYC 453

2 This week You will apply tige and the demographic questionnaire to the mother you already found Mother of a 8-15 month old or mother of month- old Do it at mother’s home This is separate from the project Questions to Burçak Aktürk Your Lab Report 2 will involve turning in of the filled sheets along with a description of how well the procedure went Due next Wednesday, November 3; the lab report sheet will be sent to you by Monday

3 Visit 1 Will be done right after November 22
Each group will visit 2 families with a kid between 24 and 36 months You are responsible of finding the children Apply 4 tasks Magic cutting with the child Tifaldi with the child TİGE/CDI with the mother Demographic questionnaire with the mother

4 Demographic information and home environment
Basic information of family education, expenditures, living arrangements, child care arrangements, languages spoken at home HOME scales Provision of learning materials: E.g., “The child has toys that have different colors and discriminate between different sizes and shapes”. Language stimulation: E.g., “The mother uses appropriate language structure and vocabulary with her child”. Warmth and acceptance: E.g., “The mother held her child close to herself at least for 5 minutes during the visit”.

5 A study by Ünal & Küntay: Aim
Can 2-3 year-old children remember a novel event? What is the effect of linguistic factors and home stimulation on the emergence of autobiographical memory? Child’s; Expressive language skills Receptive language skills Role of learning materials in the home environment?

6 Method: Participants 26 mother child dyads 13 male, 13 female Visit 1
28-37 months (M=32,2) 30-39 months (M=34,2).

7 Method: Instruments Visit 1 Visit 2 Türkçe İletişim Davranışları Gelişimi Envanteri *(TİGE-II, Acarlar, Aksu-Koç, Küntay, Maviş, Sofu, Topbaş &Turan, 2009) Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) –TR (EGÖ; Baydar & Bekar, 2007, HOME; Bradley & Caldwell, 1984) Magic Cutting Task Tifaldi Receptive Language Scale (Berument & Güven, 2010) Memory Interview on Magic Cutting Task * Tübitak Proje No: 107K058

8 Magic cutting task 3. Then let’s start cutting. Look, I’ve got a bunny scissors and it can cut (make sound effects) 1. Can we make a hole in here so that you or I can go through it?? 2. First let’s fold the cardboard. 4. As I am cutting, maybe you can color a picture 5. Look there is a big hole in this. Shall we try to go through it? Good that you went through the circle and helped me getting through it. You played so nicely, so I am giving you this nice medal.

9 Memory Interview on Magic Cutting Task
Did you recognize me? (recognizes experimenter) Last time I was here we played a game. Where did we play? (place) (E shows the medal) You played very well with the toys I brought. So, gave you this medal. What was our game? (open-ended question) (Eshows the cardboard) What did we do with this? (cued recall) What did we use to cut it? (cued recall) What did those scissors look like? (cued recall) What happened after we cut the cardboard? (cued recall) (E shows the cardboard with the hole). The cardboard looked like this after we cut it. Right? What did we do with it, show me? (behavioral enactment) (E shows 6 pictures) Which was the picture you colored while I was cutting? (picture recognition)

10 Results Differences Between High and Low Language Skill Groups on Memory Questions IV DV F p Vocabulary Open-ended questions 8,79 0,008 Behavioral enactment 5,44 0,030 Grammatical knowledge 6,25 0,021 Receptive Language 10,65 0,004

11 Results: Predicting free recall
Vocabulary 0,031 0,008 Learning Materials Open-ended Questions 0,452

12 Results: Predicting behavioral reenactment
Vocabulary 0,031 0,008 0,075 0,338 Learning Materials Behavioral Reenactment 0,022 0,049 Receptive Language

13 Discussion Autobiographical memory emerges at sometime between 2 and 3 years of age. Differences in 2 to 3-year-old children’s abilities to remember a novel event can be explained with their expressive and receptive language skills. These results are consistent with the findings of previous studies (Simcock & Hayne, 2003). Learning materials at home environment has an indirect effect on the relationship between language and autobiographical memory skills. The findings provide support for the effects of linguistic skills on the emergence of autobiographical memory.

14 Next Monday Read Ambridge paper Will be placed on KUAIS

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