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Which Infant Mannequin do You Prefer

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1 Which Infant Mannequin do You Prefer
Which Infant Mannequin do You Prefer?: User Preference and Bag Mask ability of different mannequin models Hawkes GA1, Kenosi M1, Dempsey EM1, Ryan CA1 1 Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork Introduction: Results:: Fidelity: Percentage participant responses with a likert score of 4 or 5, scores consistent with a high fidelity mannequin. BA was similar to NNWA in terms of appearance and similar to NNW in terms of weight. However, in terms of touch, muscle tone and realism of ventilation, NNW and NNWA were similar and greatly exceeded BA and NNA (Fig 5). Ventilations: Although all configurations were generally comparable, NNW had the most effective breaths delivered. BA and NNA were of similar amounts however, participants produced greater number of breaths to the NNW (Fig 6). Figure 5: Likert Score responses The NNW and NNAW were both shown to have the highest level of fidelity to a “real baby” and had the highest number of effective ventilations delivered. The NNA was greatly disliked by the participants in terms of fidelity, and the most difficult to bag mainly due to the difficulty in positioning the airway. The appearance of BA was appreciated but was difficult to provide BMV due to the limited angle of neck positioning that allowed effective BMV. This study suggests that NeoNatalie configurations that contain water are the easiest to provide BMV. However, this does not necessarily imply that they are the most effective and challenging simulation tool suggested bt the ease at which the majority of candidates ventilated the configurations. Discussion:: Figure 6: Ventilations provided by participants Figure 1: Baby AnneTM infant mannequin Figure 2: NeoNatalie mannequin fully filled with air Figure 3: NeoNatalie mannequin fully filled with water Figure 4: NeoNatalie mannequi filled with 50% air and 50% water There are a number of infant mannequins available for teaching infant bag mask ventilation (BMV) skills. These include the NeoNatalie newborn mannequin and the Baby AnneTM infant mannequin (both Laerdal Medical Foundation, Stavanger, Norway). While the Baby AnneTM mannequin is a fixed model, the manufacturer of the NeoNatalie newborn mannequin indicates that it can be used while filled with air or water. The purpose of this study was to examine user preference and user ability to perform effective BMV with these mannequin models. Methods: Each participant was randomized to use the Baby AnneTM infant mannequin (BA)(Fig 1), the NeoNatalie mannequin fully filled with air (NNA)(Fig 2), fully filled with water (NNW)(Fig 3), and filled with 50% air and 50% water (NNAW)(Fig 4). Participants were randomized to provide BMV to the four configurations, each for a 30 second period. Participants were then asked to rate the level of fidelity of the mannequins to a “real baby” on a 5-point likert scale in terms of appearance, weight, feel, tone and realism of ventilation. Each 30 second period of BMV was video recorded and two independent reviewers analyzed the videos to assess the amount of effective breaths delivered to each of the configurations by each participant.

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