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Audits Lateral Learning

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1 Audits Lateral Learning
What is the finding: Recent ISO14001 re-certification Environmental audit discovered that a number of STPs in PDO and contractors camp are operated with incoming flow meters on bypass. Corrective action: Ensure incoming flow meters in all STPs operated by PDO and contractors are functional. Do not by pass in the future. Action for the assets: Please check if you have the same finding If yes, follow the corrective action Report compliance to MSE/41 What are the consequences/ Impacts? If the flow meter is bypassed, the amount of the effluent (Sewage) is not measured. This may cause overloading to the STP, which in turn may result in the following: Inefficient treatment of sewage Treated sewage not according to the required standards Treated sewage full of bacteria, viruses, worm eggs, …etc. Health impact to workers, inhabitants, and plants Contamination to the environment (ground water, soil and air quality) Could impact the plant and grass irrigated by this effluent PDO has maintained its reputation on Environment. Failing to fix this item may subject PDO to a legal fine and loss of ISO14001 certification. Let us work together to keep Oman clean and healthy

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