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Business Statistics Topic 4

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1 Business Statistics Topic 4
Basic Probability and Discrete Probability Distributions

2 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Learning Objectives By the end of this topic you will be able to: Explain basic probability concepts & definitions Use important rules and procedures for calculating probabilities Use special discrete probability distributions such as Poisson and Binomial Business Statistics:Topic 4

3 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Sample Space The set of all possible outcomes. e.g: Throwing a dice The outcomes are {1,2,3,4,5,6} Business Statistics:Topic 4

4 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Events Simple Event: An outcome with only one characteristic from a sample space e.g A black card from a deck of 52 cards Joint Event Two outcomes occurring simultaneously e.g Picking a black queen from a deck of 52 cards Business Statistics:Topic 4

5 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Events Impossible events e.g drawing a black and red in one card from a deck of 52 cards Complement of an event A Denoted by A’ e.g Complement of drawing king of hearts (A) A’ is all cards in the deck which are not king of hearts Business Statistics:Topic 4

6 Mutually Exclusive Events
Two events that can not occur simultaneously e.g: Event A – is drawing king of hearts Event B – is drawing king of diamonds Business Statistics:Topic 4

7 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Probability Probability is the chance of an occurrence of an event (A). Denoted by p(A) = e.g Throwing a dice once: Sample space {1,2,3,4,5,6} Event A: getting a number less than 3 Possible outcomes: {1,2} p(A)= 2/6 = 1/3 Business Statistics:Topic 4

8 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Basic Properties Probability of an event always lies between 0 and 1 The sum of the probabilities of every possible outcome or event is 1. The probability of the complement A’ is given by 1-P(A) Business Statistics:Topic 4

9 Probability of Joint events
The probability of joint events A and B is given by P(A  B). Multiplication rule e.g. Probability of getting black king =2/52 =1 /26 Business Statistics:Topic 4

10 Probability Using Contingency Table
P(king black ) = (2/52) = 1/26 Business Statistics:Topic 4

11 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Compound Probability Probability of getting A or B, P(A  B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A  B) Addition Rule e.g. Probability of getting a black card or king =(26 black card + 4 king – 2 black king) / 52 =28/52 = 7/13 Business Statistics:Topic 4

12 Conditional Probability
The probability of an event A given that an event B has occurred, is called conditional probability of A given B. e.g. probability(black given that it is a king) =P( getting black and king) / P(king) =(2/52)/ (4/52) = 2/4 =1/2 Business Statistics:Topic 4

13 Conditional Probability
Business Statistics:Topic 4

14 Probability For Independent Events
Two Events A and B are Independent if: P(A  B) = P(A) P(A  B) = P(A) x P(B) Business Statistics:Topic 4

15 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Random Variable Numerical outcomes of a random experiment Business Statistics:Topic 4

16 Discrete Random Variable
Numerical outcomes arising from counting e.g Throwing a dice three times and counting how many times the number 2 appears. {0, 1,2 ,3} Business Statistics:Topic 4

17 Discrete Probability Distribution
The list of possible values of a discrete random variable, Xj and the probabilities, P(Xj) { Xj , P(Xj) } Business Statistics:Topic 4

18 A Discrete Distribution
e.g. tossing two coins and counting the number of times heads appears. Sample space is {HH,TT,HT,TH} Business Statistics:Topic 4

19 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Summary Measures Business Statistics:Topic 4

20 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Expected Mean Weighted Average of the random variable e.g Tossing a coin twice and counting the number of heads Business Statistics:Topic 4

21 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Variance Weighted average of the squared differences of the individual values from the mean. E.g Tossing two coins and counting the number of heads Business Statistics:Topic 4

22 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Standard Deviation Positive square root of the variance In our example Business Statistics:Topic 4

23 Binomial Probability Distribution
Independent trials are repeated ‘n’ times e.g tossing a coin more than once Only two mutually exclusive outcomes on each trial: Success or Failure e.g tossing a coin: outcomes are Head or Tail Constant probability of success for each trial e.g the probability of getting a head is 1/2 for each toss Business Statistics:Topic 4

24 Binomial Probability Distribution
Probability of ‘X’ number of successes in ‘n’ independent trails with ‘p’ as the probability of a success Business Statistics:Topic 4

25 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Example Tossing a coin three times, n = 3 Success is getting a head Probability of success is 1/2 = 0.5 Probability of getting 2 heads in 3 tosses, X = 2 Business Statistics:Topic 4

26 Binomial Distribution: Mean and Standard Deviation
Business Statistics:Topic 4

27 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Poisson Distribution Number of events in a specified interval of time. Average number of events in the given interval is l e.g The number of customers arriving in every 10 minutes Business Statistics:Topic 4

28 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Poisson Distribution If the average number of events in the given interval is l The probability of x events occurring in the specified interval is given by: Business Statistics:Topic 4

29 Business Statistics:Topic 4
Example Probability of exactly 4 customers arriving in 1 hour when the average per hour is 6. Business Statistics:Topic 4

30 Poisson Distribution: Mean and Standard Deviation
Business Statistics:Topic 4

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