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ABC party.

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1 ABC party

2 Сабақ тақырыбы: Әліппе әлемінде (ABC party)
Сабақ мақсаты: Оқушыларға транскрипция ішінен әріптерін табу арқылы және әріптерді дұрыс айтуға үйрету. Оқушылардың логикалық ойлау сезіәмін оятып, кішіпейілділікке , адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу. Сабақ түрі: сыныптан тыс Сабақ көрнекілігі: Кеспе қағаздар, ребустар, суреттер, карточкалар, плакаттар, әріптер

3 This called the alphabet Which we never must forget
The ABC A,B,C,D, E,F,G,H,I,G,K,L, M,N,O,P, Q,R,S,T,U and V,W,X,Y,Z This called the alphabet Which we never must forget Aa One, two, three, four, five I’m flying in the sky I am a toy airplane My name start with A Bb One, two, three B- is for bee One, two The bee is near you Don’t cry, don’t speak, play hide seen

4 Cc A cuckoo o’clock Says a tick-tock Who says “Cuckoo” Know you? Dd How many ducking Can you see? Quack, quack, quack One, two, three Ee Even numbers: two, four, six Add numbers I can mix Three, five, one Ff One, two, three, four, five Five, fish like to dive One fish told me Let’s play in the sea

5 Gg Granny goose Wears the shose The shoose are read and shout Who goes out? Hh I’ve got a hen Who says “Cluck, cluck” It’s a golden egg Good luck, luck, luck Ii Innie, minnie, old Inn Count quickly and come in One, two, three, four Open the door Kk Who is the king of hearts? – Sam! Who is the king of hearts?- Pam! One, two The king of hearts will be you! Ll Lady lemon goes out Sir plum is black and round Miss Cherry is sweet You are the first to eat Mm Mother, father, sister, brother One, two, three, four Where the family of four Nn Nine baby birds Live in the nest Wait for a quest It’s not you, it’s not me Who know-climb the three

6 Oo One slice of onion Two slices of bread Three slices of sausage It won’t be bad Pp Polly has two peppers Peter has one Pam has a parrot And I have none Qq Q- is for question How do you do? How are you? How old are you? Rr R- is for Roses They are red and white Give me please Says little red Ss S- for spring And for spring When it is warm And the sky is blue Tt T- is for tie We are pioneers We have blue ties Uu U-is for Us And in seven It’s twelve and eleven

7 Диолог: Екі қыз арасында әңгіме
Сандарға байланысты тақпақтар айттып өтті. Екі плакатқа суреттер. Біреуіне жануарлар, екіншісіне оқу құралдарын Салып олардлың атаауларын ағылшын тілінде жазу.

8 Ертегі: The big Turnip Оқушылар рөлдерде ойнады. Жұмбақтар шешу: I’m yellow, I am made from milk You eat me with bread (butter) I’m white, I’m good to drink What am I (milk) III: Without a tongue, without an ear, I can speak and hear (tape recorder) Қортынды: ӘН “I in my country, we are happy”

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